Monday, May 20, 2013

The IRS fights against the Tea Party and the Executive Branch

The Executive Branch began to over-reach it's power during several different administrations, starting with Watergate and Ronald Reagan.  Several different republican and democratic administrations have committed acts of corruption.  The IRS attempted to go after conservative tea-bagger movements that are a threat to the United States.  All the IRS stands for is internal revenue service.  The conservative movement made outlandish claims that the IRS was picking on them which has no basis in fact.    The head of the IRS was unjustly fired by Obama which one could argue is technically illegal because the rule of law is not supposed to be used in political circles.  The President also does not technically have the the power to fire everyone.   One of the main jobs of the IRS is to make sure everyone pays their taxes because not paying your taxes is a federal offense.  Federal laws supersede state laws.  The IRS is part of the federal government.  The federal government actually has more power than the Executive Branch.  The entire federal system is set up in a way that is completely separate from everyone in the Executive Branch.  On multiple occasions the Executive Branch has overseen it's own powers.  The federal government should get rid of the Executive Branch so it can start to work again.

The week-and-a-half-old controversy, which involves the IRS targeting of tea party and other conservative groups which were seeking tax exempt status, has dominated headlines and put the White House on the defensive. (CNN News)

1 comment:

  1. I think the President as head of the executive branch can fire people he appointed to the jobs (like the head of the IRS), but not civil service employees who get their government jobs by competition and merit.

    The current political atmosphere is certainly odd.

    Love DAD
