Monday, May 13, 2013

Cold Fusion: Putting an end to the Tyranny of Natural Fuels

Cold Fusion: Putting an end to the Tyranny of Natural Fuels

Cold fusion would put an end to both oil, coal, natural gas and also put an end to all current productions of foreign natural fuels.  That's why it's the atomic energy versus the other energy suppliers.  It's in the atomic energy peoples best interest to make cold fusion a reality.  Thereby putting middle eastern oil out of business! and putting Chinese coal out of business ! It will also put environmental technologies out of business.  It is inevitable that cold fusion will become a reality.

Once it does, we will no longer have oil, coal or environmental technologies and it will put us ahead of all foreign competitors.  It will make us technologically more advanced and we will no longer need to share our natural or un-natural resources with any foreign country.

Cold fusion is also referred to as LENR, which means low energy nuclear reaction, which produces no ionizing radiation or radioactive waste.  This makes it more safe and convenient than wind turbines that can fall on your head.  It is also safer than coal which is bad for your lungs.  It's safer than oil because it doesn't cause global climate has absolutely zero pollution.

It's going to go from a laboratory setting to a huge, massive scale production of low energy LENR.   Once this is done on a large scale all of our energy problems will go away overnight and never reappear!  The countries that benefit from this the most are the United States, Canada, and Russia...and continental Europe.  As long as these countries agree to mass produce this within their own home countries, without sharing it with the Middle East or any other foreign country, their energy needs will be assured for future generations to come.

There will be great advancements in engineering, technology and business and various other scientific applications, even in the government.  The government will benefit from this technology first.  The government will be the first to manufacture this using engineers and scientists, first on a small scale and then on a large scale.  The economic problems will disappear overnight when it comes to our energy needs.  The government will first only allow it to be used in the U.S. then it will make one country at a time sign treaties that reinforce and bound scientists, engineers and governments and individual people to keep it within their own countries.  They will form committees that enforce LENR to keep it in the hands of a selected list of a few countries, which will be the U.S., Canada, continental Europe and Russia.  It ail also cause scientists and engineers to take another look at non-mainstream sciences.  Someday this will happen in secret if it hasn't happened already.  America and it's allies are better when they work together in secret and then when it's perfected, then they can tell everyone.

Here are two interesting quotes i found to share with you on the web:ese

When we think of nuclear power, there are usually just two options: fission and fusion. Fission, which creates huge amounts of heat by splitting larger atoms into smaller atoms, is what currently powers every nuclear reactor on Earth. Fusion is the opposite, creating vast amounts of energy by fusing atoms of hydrogen together, but we’re still many years away from large-scale, commercial fusion reactors.   (

The nuclear power used currently is created by nuclear fission, which is not a natural process. Fission is produced by “splitting” heavy atoms. It generates steam heat to power electric plants, nuclear ships, submarines and weapons. The result is a tremendous amount of radioactive nuclear waste. Fission requires sufficient fuel within a small space, to reach high temperature and pressure inside a fusion reactor. This causes a release of electromagnetic energy, more radioactive than the heavy fuel. There always exists a danger of not maintaining confinement, which includes catastrophic failure. Because of this, nuclear fusion power is believed to have significant safety advantages over power stations based on nuclear fission. (

1 comment:

  1. I think there is a tyranny of fossil fuels based on our lack of drive to correct the problem of carbon emissions and climate change caused by man's burning of carbon rich fossil fuels.

    I agree fusion using hydrogen is the cleanest way forward, but I thought cold fusion had more technical problems than hot fusion?

    Love DAD
