Monday, June 30, 2014

NASA Brings Back It's Glory Days

This photo shows a combination flying saucer and jet propelled rocket launched into outer space by NASA, thereby proving NASA still can take us into space!  When the private sector tried taking us into space, it did not work.  This flying saucer technology is being created by three different competitors -- one is NASA,  the military has their own space program and the third one is the private sector.  So far NASA is the number one best impressive one.  

This is a probe that NASA used to demonstrate that they can still land on planets.  They are slowly, possibly going to do more space exploration which will lead to flying saucers, rockets, probes and other futuristic outer space technologies which will help us all travel outside of the earth.  I personally will definitely go into outer space--whether it's the moon, or mars.  First I will go to the moon, and then I will go to mars.  As I am landing on the moon I will be blindfolded to keep me from looking back at the earth....because NASA astronauts have felt a sense of what is called euphoria, which causes them to panic and want to come back to earth.  So once I am safely on the moon, then I will take off my blindfold and see what's in outer space.  The most evolved humans are going to go into outer space.  They may even need to develop new rocket fuels.  They've already begun to use solar technology and rockets.  Rockets and flying saucers are going to replace solar technology.

NASA tests the rockets on the earth first to make sure they don't explode and that they stay together.  Theoretically they could test them in outer space but first they have to test them here, unfortunately before sending them off into space.  They mostly do their tests in the desert because there is more open space there and less wind.  The flying saucer was tested first in the desert and then shipped to Hawaii where it launched Saturday morning, June 28th.  It was a big success!  This is just as important as when man first landed on the moon.  Also this explains away all the flying saucer sightings.  NASA is starting to be less secretive than in the past about space travel.  The only hold out possibly is the Air Force when it comes to outer space things.  

This is exactly the best features of a rocket and a flying saucer!  As this technology develops it will become more advanced.  It took a lot of time to make this technology, so only pay attention to the facts about this flying saucer technology.

Here's it from another angle.  This flying saucer is actually round shaped.  It's propelled by a small rocket on the inside, near the bottom.  Of course they have to add a metal heat shield to the outside!  I'm sure as it develops it will no longer need a parachute to help it...right now they use a parachute to help bring it back to earth.  They only use parachutes in the testing stages of this flying saucer.  

This is one of the people working on the bottom of the rocket.  They work on it to maintain the technology and to keep everything working right.  Of course they have to build this technology from the ground up.  They build this technology in a factory, in a clean room so it won't get dirty.  This technology will someday become advanced enough for everyone to use it.  It will also become so advanced that it will be just like all those movies you see with flying saucers.  This also explains away Roswell conspiracy theories and puts to rest all the conspiracies about NASA and proves that with a little hard work you can even make science fiction technology a reality.  Eventually the armed services, like the Air Force will want to work along side of NASA, because they were the ones to create a flying saucer and the Air Force will be impressed by it.  This brings back the patriotic days when America was in competition with Russia to put a man on the moon.  It's also going to take America and Russia working together in cooperation to build flying saucers and conquer outer space---and will bring back the good old days when NASA and America used to be in competition and will once again make America a super power.


  1. Kiel - I hope that mankind can work together to solve the problems of long distance space travel so we can really become the children of the stars. Love DAD

  2. This is soooo cool! I still support NASA 100%. They are interested in exploration I think the military is interested in more instruments for war. I hope that I life long enough to see these machines come to fruition.
