Monday, April 15, 2013

The Armed Services Get Expanded Powers

by Kiel Scott, April 15, 2013

I was shocked and irritated to hear that somebody committed terrorism once again on American soil.  

They need to expand the reach of the Armed Services so America can be safe...more safe than having homeland security in charge.  Our government needs to make it so the Armed Services is in charge of all the country's airports, bus depots, boat harbors, hospitals and the mail system.   This way the nation won't just feel more will be more secure.  They would use technology, dogs, surveillance to do their job.  The Air Force could use planes, unmanned drones and night vision goggles to search and protect America.  The Navy would use aircraft carriers, satellite and submarines to monitor the oceans.  I believe that this would make America safe in the long term and safe in the short term ...and eventually America would feel safe.  The Armed Services could guard America indefinitely.  The Coast Guard, which is also a branch of the Armed Services would also help with the oceans.  They could also protect us if a disease were to have an outbreak.  Their doctors would identify the disease pathogen a lot quicker than anyone else.  They could also possibly cure it a lot faster.  And they would also know what kind of disease it is...whether it's a virus, bacteria, parasite or something else.

The Armed Services could have the draft reinstated.  Because it would create more jobs, more science, technology and innovation.  They could also get the press out of war zones, so that there wouldn't be misinformation about wars.

If I were in the Armed Services I would be in either the Air Force or the Army.  Possibly the Air Force because you get to fly!  The Army because you could get to be in Special Forces!  I would look forward to the food and making things more organized.  I possibly could look forward to the exercises and physical training but I'd have to sweat a lot!  

1 comment:

  1. Kiel - I just realized all the times I had been commenting and then hit publish... I had not pick "Comment as"... so I apologize that my comments did not show up. I repaired my first two comments on previous articles and now am on my way to properly publish my comments.

    You indeed would have to sweat a LOT if you joined the military. And there are some very good people working to keep us safe.

    Love DAD
