Monday, April 22, 2013

People save the auto industry on their own!

Flying cars are an absolute necessity because it's the only way to save the auto industry.  Let me explain: When certain politicians promise to save the auto industry, they lied.  If they were telling the truth, they would have given us flying cars and not so much rhetoric. The best place to experiment with flying cars is in Alaska, Texas and Wyoming...because they have the most airspace available.  We  need wide open spaces to experiment with flying cars so that we can test them and start mass producing the best flying cars.  I think that if we start mass production on a mass scale and if we get the FAA and DMV to work together we can make flying cars a reality and not just some pipe dream of a politician.  It will also make it easier to get to work and free up the amount of traffic on the old fashion roads we don't need anymore.  We would spend less time and money fixing roads and bridges and more time and money spent somewhere else.   This works in both the short term and the long term.  It would be better than any gas guzzler and it would also be better than any environmentalists car.  It would also be extremely efficient and put us ahead of any foreign competitors.  It would put us ahead of the Chinese, Sweden and Germany.  This is the list of the countries that it would put us ahead of for decades to come....and possibly centuries.  It would also create thousands of new jobs and force young engineers and old engineers to work together to create a flying car.  It would make sure America stays a super-power when it comes to the auto industry and the airplane industry...thereby taking care of two birds with one stone.  It would be safer than being in a Boeing 737.
As you can see from this picture, it is extremely easy to put gas into a flying car.  More easy than putting gas into a hummer or a jet!  It would make it easier to get work on time.  It would make it easier to go shopping.  This invention would be bigger than any current innovation we have today and could create a lot of excitement and positive focus for our country if it stays out of the hands of the press.  America is best at innovation when the press is not involved.  Then we could develop this technology in secret.  Someday we will have flying cars when we start getting rid of empty promises from people who know how to talk but don't know how to build things in garages.  First you need to know how to build stuff in the garage before you know how to talk.  That is the kind of people who will get us the flying car.  That is just my opinion.

The flying car will be extremely fun to drive!  It will be up there with the ATV, the motorcycle and other fun vehicles that people have learned how to use.  I would gladly use a flying car!  I am extremely confident in flying cars that I would gladly fly them everyday. My flying car would have two comfortable chairs in the front and two comfortable chairs in the backseat.  It will be extremely comfortable and spacious.  The seats will be a nice color and texture.  It will be made for tall people.  Tall people and medium size people would be able to fit and be comfortable in flying cars.  

If you agree with me you should start pressuring the FAA, the DMV, and engineers to mass produce flying cars.  Join the future or stay on the ground with the short, little people!

Monday, April 15, 2013

The Armed Services Get Expanded Powers

by Kiel Scott, April 15, 2013

I was shocked and irritated to hear that somebody committed terrorism once again on American soil.  

They need to expand the reach of the Armed Services so America can be safe...more safe than having homeland security in charge.  Our government needs to make it so the Armed Services is in charge of all the country's airports, bus depots, boat harbors, hospitals and the mail system.   This way the nation won't just feel more will be more secure.  They would use technology, dogs, surveillance to do their job.  The Air Force could use planes, unmanned drones and night vision goggles to search and protect America.  The Navy would use aircraft carriers, satellite and submarines to monitor the oceans.  I believe that this would make America safe in the long term and safe in the short term ...and eventually America would feel safe.  The Armed Services could guard America indefinitely.  The Coast Guard, which is also a branch of the Armed Services would also help with the oceans.  They could also protect us if a disease were to have an outbreak.  Their doctors would identify the disease pathogen a lot quicker than anyone else.  They could also possibly cure it a lot faster.  And they would also know what kind of disease it is...whether it's a virus, bacteria, parasite or something else.

The Armed Services could have the draft reinstated.  Because it would create more jobs, more science, technology and innovation.  They could also get the press out of war zones, so that there wouldn't be misinformation about wars.

If I were in the Armed Services I would be in either the Air Force or the Army.  Possibly the Air Force because you get to fly!  The Army because you could get to be in Special Forces!  I would look forward to the food and making things more organized.  I possibly could look forward to the exercises and physical training but I'd have to sweat a lot!  

Monday, April 8, 2013

Time Travel...also known as inter dimensional travel...also known as worm holes.

Time travel is theoretically possible!  But in order for it to occur, you have to use something more powerful than nuclear technology.  One of the best ways to create time travel is to find a small black hole in space and put antigravity particles into the center of the black hole..or the sides of the black hole.  In theory if you were to do this, it would make it so you could go in and out of a black hole without being destroyed.  There are lots of different theories of what happens to something going into a black hole.  This is heavily debated among scientists.  I think that it is possible to use a black hole as a way of using time travel.  We should do it this way:   first involving probes and then involving mice and then involving human beings.   The countries in my opinion that are most likely to develop time travel is the United States, Russia, England and China.  The benefit of time travel is that you could go into the future and bring stuff back from the future into our timeline.  The only downside to time travel is that you can only go into the present and go into the future.  But you cannot travel into the past.  Another way to do time travel is to create a spaceship that goes faster than any current means we have today...even faster than light.  Another benefit of time travel  is to go to the future and bring back cures for disease to the present.  This technology could possibly be done in outer space and on the earth.  You may even win a prize for this technology.   Time travel possibly is easy.  It might be also be extremely hard.    I would eventually go time traveling but first I would have the government perfect it.  As far as I know the government is the only entity that has the means to invest and build time travel technology.

After you read this, do your own research on the internet and off the internet.  So you can draw your own conclusions to this information.

Next time I'm going to talk about ...well, you'll have to wait for my next interesting blog entry!  It might be a blog that even changes the world!

Monday, April 1, 2013

NASA is going to build a real life starship Enterprise.  

Look this up on the NASA websites to see for yourself!  Here's what I know so far: it's based on the one in the science fiction TV show.  If this is true NASA is getting better.  The ship is going to hold more people than it has previously done before, but NASA has made claims before about futuristic things and not followed through with their plans.  That does explain the lack of funding for NASA.

NASA has a 100 year project that is going to focus on the next step in space exploration.  According to, " Kick-started by a strategic planning workshop in January, the project has brought together more than two dozen farsighted futurists, NASA specialists, science fiction writers, foundation aficionados and educators."
In my opinion, this will only happen is DARPA replaces NASA.  There is an historical precedence for NASA to be replaced, because it used to be called the Aerospace Administration.  The best scientists and engineers and top secret people need to create this in an atmosphere of secrecy so that this can become a reality....and not just another pipe-dream.
What do you think the potential for this kind of spaceship is?  Well, I think one potential benefit would be to mine outer space for minerals and colonizing planets.  We might even build secret bases in space.  THat way the government owns space...and not the private sector.  We don't want the private sector screwing up space travel, just like they screwed up the airlines industry.
Going into a time and space vortex would help us find alien life to dissect and research.  Another possibility is using up the natural resources of the universe and invading alien planets.  In other words, we can conquer the universe!  Then once the universe is conquered we can evacuate the planet Earth into outer space.  This would be the biggest undertaking since America was formed.  This would give us huge advancements in technology that would put us ahead of all foreign investors...ahead of all foreign scientists and ahead of all foreign engineers.  This would make America the dominant power so we don't lose our superpower status.