Monday, March 21, 2016

CEOs and Neurologists Team Up to Study the Human Brain for Advertisement Research

They use this neurology technology, such as EKGs which is traditionally been used to study people with epilepsy, but now using it to study the electrical impulses of the brain for improving advertising focus.

They are using EKGs to analyze peoples brain responses and patterns when they watch political advertising.  This would help advertisers understand what influences a voter.  

They use EKGs on both men and women to measure their brain responses when it comes to voting and corporate advertising.

This is sort of what the measurement looks like on a graph, when it comes to the human brain.  These spikes can represent the highs and lows of the human brain reaction and response times.  They have shown that when it comes to political speeches, people that are the most easily manipulated are Republicans, Democrats and Independents.  They did not study any other political groups.  

This is a picture of advertisements.  The more CEOs team up with Neurologists to know about the human brain, the more they will be working together.  The more CEOs know about Neurologists the more Neurologists know about CEOs.  They are going to learn a lot more about how to influence people on a neurological level when they learn about the human brain.  

Even corporations like McDonalds will benefit from this research.  Everyone that owns a big business, a small business, or anyone who is a CEO, that works with a Neurologist will benefit from this research.  This will change the future of advertising.  I think this will force CEOs and Neurologists to work together for advertising more.  As long as it doesn't distract Neurologists from doing their medical research, we, the American people should be fine with it.

As you can see, the Asian kid in this picture is holding something that looks like an egg, but it is probably not an egg.  It is similar to an egg, but it was banned due to lead poisoning or something.  The girl in this picture is holding an American machine gun rifle which is still legal in the U.S.  This picture can  be approved of by CEOs and Neurologists as well.  The CEOs and Neurologists approve of the blond, western girl in this picture because the vast majority of people look like the girl in this picture.  So they will advertise on a neurological level to influence the western person in this picture.    They will not advertise to the Asian person in this picture, because there are very few Asians in the United States.  I am glad to see that CEOs and Neurologists are finally working together.  Goes to show you that we are all in this together, or we are all separate. 

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