Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Big Corporation, SpaceX, Lands Rocket

SpaceX is a business that is in the business of mass producing rockets to put things into space, like internet probes and communication satellites.  SpaceX is a fairly new corporation and is a rival of NASA, and other space groups.  It wouldn't surprise me if SpaceX lands on the moon which will lead them to being the second group other than NASA to land on the moon.


This is what the contrail of the rocket looks like.  They've had 11 successful missions so far.  When it came to putting communication satellites in space, unlike it's rival NASA, SpaceX has had less stuff put into outer space.  

This is what the top of the rocket looks like.  Inside is mostly electronic components.  According to a guy working for SpaceX, this also houses the satellites that they put into low-earth orbit.  What they failed to mention is NASA puts it further out into space.  That's because NASA is their competitor.  

SpaceX gets money from corporations like Orbcomm.  SpaceX also gets money from other corporations.  NASA, unlike SpaceX gets money from the federal government because NASA is part of the federal system.  SpaceX probably has lots of big ideas on the drawing board for projects in outer space.  SpaceX is going to find that they are going to have a lot of competitors when it comes to using technology in space.  SpaceX might also end up meeting NASA astronauts in outer space just briefly if they ever land on a planet someday.  SpaceX is probably is going to have it's own version of astronauts.  Both SpaceX and NASA have big plans when it comes to outer space.  An example of this is building stuff on Mars or the moon.

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