Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Finally--Every Man, Woman And Child's Dream of Beating The Laws Of Physics Has Come True!

As you know, conventional science that heavily relies on oil, natural gas and the laws of physics was not invented in western culture.  It was invented in all the southern parts of the Middle East.  This has heavily relied on outdated engineering practices, unlike America that has the highest science and engineering up-to-date standards.  DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) along with NASA has investigated cold fusion!  DARPA is still experimenting and developing cold fusion.

When cold fusion pans out the United States will be decades, perhaps centuries ahead of both the Middle East, China and North Korea...as well as other countries in terms of electronics.  An example of that is with computers that run on cold fusion.  We will have finally out-done our competitors as well as our enemies.  We can give thanks to DARPA and NASA.  Both DARPA and NASA are our nation's heroes, which have worked tirelessly behind the scenes.

When DARPA and NASA create cold fusion for space travel it will mix the best features of inexpensive space travel with cheapness and inexpensive taste technologies and will make it easier to have both civilian and non-civilian astronauts that go into space.  This will make space tourism a reality!  

Cold fusion is created in a kind of chamber that can be moved around to study.  It can also be put in an engine.   Cold fusion is decades ahead of uranium and yellow cake nuclear technology.  Cold fusion is more advanced than any other energy source ever produced or created because it is safer than oil, it has no pollution, no half life of any kind and is produced by the best and brightest of engineers.  

Cold fusion will also not have any pollution side effects such as smog created by coal burning.  Also cold fusion does not create oil spills.  It will also not burn off other harmful chemicals.  Cold fusion is neither natural nor not natural, so in a way, it's somewhere in between neutral and not neutral.  Cold fusion can be stored more easily than oil, gas or any known nuclear source.  It can be stored more easily than solar power.  

Unlike uranium rods, cold fusion does not use uranium rods, it uses cold temperatures and cold molecules and is way better for the economy, technology, science, engineering, research, education, communication and pretty much any technology you can name.  It can also be used for medical purposes.  There's no limit to what science and engineering can do when it comes to cold fusion, because it does not rely on the laws of physics like I pointed out earlier.  

In scientific studies, cold fusion has been able to power light bulbs.  This is the greatest invention since Nikola Tesla invented electricity.   This could be referred to as the people's technology, also known as the government's technology...and this could unite the country.

CF is the abbreviation for cold fusion.  Cold fusion, besides uniting the country will help us exploit every other country's electronic weakness and make us the only country with the most powerful technology.  If we want to we don't have to share it with others.  I recommend that we not share it with any countries in the Middle East.  I also recommend that we don't share it with China or any third world country.  We should make it our principle that countries that are at our level of advancement can agree to use this technology...as long as they don't also share it with third world countries.  This technology could also make us and maybe our allies the new world order if done responsibly.  Long live DARPA, long live NASA!

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