Monday, May 11, 2015

NASA Requests Suggestions From The Anxious Public

Mars is approximately 140 million miles away from Earth.  NASA is requesting suggestions from the general public around the following categories:
  • Shelter
  • Food
  • Energy
  • Water
  • Breathable Air
  • Communication
  • Exercise
  • Social Interactions
  • Medicine
My suggestion would be to conserve food.  NASA is making suggestions so that they can get more ideas on what needs to get done before they launch people to Mars.  They should conserve food in small amounts so that food lasts longer.  I know this from my own personal experience.  I ate small amounts of food and that made it last longer.  

NASA is going to have to pick the best suggestions from all the entries.  The reward is a huge amount of money...about $5,000.00 which is not worth a lot in today's economy.  Someone could take this money and start their own version of NASA, that is one thing that NASA did not take into account when they set up this competition.  But maybe they want competition so they can get ahead.

Another idea is to use spaceships also known as space shuttles to go from the Space Station to Mars which will cut down on the amount of fuel for transporting people.  It will also cut down on the amount of fuel and energy for travel.  The shuttles will have to drag a huge amount of water, food, medicine, communication equipment and other supplies in separate shuttles.  

NASA will also need to shoot up rockets that go in between planets for communication with Mars.  These will be like the NASA version of Skype to Mars.  They will also be able to use this for radio communication and computer communication to Mars which will be linking several systems which are normally separate.  This will have to be extremely innovative because it will combine a Skype-like technology, radio and computer communications and possibly video feed as well.

All the different countries of the world will make their own different versions of rockets.  An example of this is America, Russia and China and a few other countries are going to build their own rockets to send out into space and to Mars as well.   They will all look different but they will all be built the same, but they won't rely on each other whatsoever.  This will lead to America not needing to rely on Russia for outer space technologies.  They will end up creating their own existing country on Mars which will be the same as America and the same as Russia.  China is also a good example of this.  Each country will plant their own individual flag and claim that land for their own country.

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