Monday, March 23, 2015

Government Saves Airlander 10 & Succeeds Where Others Have Failed

The Airlander 10 is made out of kevlar, carbon fiber and mylar.  This air vehicle is 302 feet long and can carry 10 tons of payload.  It is part blimp, part helicopter and part plane.  It is currently the biggest aircraft in the world.  It has some green credentials because it can be fitted with solar panels and uses minimal fuel.  

I believe that this would be a great piece of technology for both civilian use, Coast Guard use, the Navy, and the military.  They could store spy equipment, cameras and mapping equipment inside.  Lots of different branches of the military could use this technology.

As you can see this is what it looks like when the armed services uses it.  If they were to use this along with predator drones it would increase the amount of efficiency.  One advantage over drones is that the Airlander can carry up to 10 tons of equipment or goods.  It can land on ice, desert or bare ground and also does not need an airport for take off and landing.  It could save money on airports!  It could take us to remote places, it can be used for emergency medical facilities after a disaster.

In this picture it shows them manufacturing the Airlander in a hanger in the UK.  Other countries are capable of manufacturing this very same technology.  It is an extremely quiet aircraft!  We could manufacture this in the United States.

This is where the pilot or pilots would drive the Airlander.  This will eventually be one of many technologies that will replace the helicopter.  It is more safe than the Hindenburg that went up in flames in 1937.

My next blog viewers, is going to be about the possibility of manufacturing and building flying saucers!  Stay tuned for more good blogs!

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