Sunday, December 14, 2014

Russia Beats America In Space Tourism

Russia has heavily invested in their space program, thereby making it easier for their scientists, engineers and their version of NASA to do a better job with space travel.  The next space race is in space tourism.  This means racing to put more people into space for colonization,  hotels, and mining.  This will also create more jobs.

I would definitely go into space.  I would go into space so I could start my own thing that is part business and part government.  That means that it is sanctioned and partly run by the government.  We would do all the science and engineering for the government.  I'd like to be the CEO of the government.  I"d have a some condos and some houses in space, and none back on earth!

One of the advantages of living in space is if I ever had any kids, they would evolve faster than myself.  This is because they would be forced to adapt to the weightlessness of space and any other quick changes to their environment.  The same is true if you cloned yourself in outer space.  This picture here is what it might look like in the future when the prototypes take off into space carrying technology, food, fuel, supplies and people.

There are also going to be buildings in the future for people to live on Mars and other planets like the Moon and other planets to be discovered later.  The good thing about living in space is that space is endless, so it mixes the best of exploration and militarization of space, which will lead to the human race being able to learn more, and to expand it's life expectancy indefinitely,

Monday, December 8, 2014

AI --The Replacement For The Internet

AI stands for artificial intelligence.  The scientists and engineers that are designing this are more than likely people with no social skills because that's the only way of overcoming the obstacle of creating artificial intelligence.  Social skills lead to the lack of creativity in terms of building, engineering and development.  This is my highly, factually based opinion.

AI is done in several different ways with computers and with robots.  AI will be able to perceive different problems and different solutions and come up with the ones that will be most likely to work, similar to the human brain.  So in that way it will have to mimic the human brain, and then hopefully evolve beyond it.

It will help out humans when it comes to using robots and computers and other technologies that need its uses.  For example, dangerous mining areas where robots could go in and do dangerous things so humans don't have to, it could help out search and rescue situations and the computer system could replace the internet in that it could find more information more quickly and more accurately.  Thereby, eventually replacing the internet.

Also it will be able to help out law enforcement and the armed services without destroying the human race.  It will be able to balance out the difference between being social and antisocial and in that regard AI will be somewhat smarter than humans.  It will work along side of humans to make the human race easier.  

AI is going to take a long time before it can become a reality..because a lot of the people trying to make it happen are spending too much time arguing and not enough time inventing this technology.  We need them to focus and get back to what they do best...which is building, which is what scientists and engineers do best!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Google Cars Save Us From Head On Collisions

The states that have approved driverless cars are Nevada, California, Florida and Michigan.  Google has not quite put out the cars yet, but promise to have them available by 2020.  My opinion is that if Google does not put out the cars by 2020, Google will no longer be seen as a legitimate company.  This technology of the vehicle could help lots of people.  For example, there are people who have trouble driving and these kinds of cars would really help them a lot.  

Google has designed these cars with a special laser on the roof that creates a 3D map for the computer and this allows the navigational system to stay away from obstacles and people.  The problems remain that have to do with whether an object is a rock or a piece of paper, and another example is identifying a police officer from an ordinary pedestrian.  Evidently these cars are also not great in rain and snow.

Some of the other applications for this technology would be for driverless taxis and driverless buses.  I would like to see this become a reality because it would make everybody's life a lot easier.  

At this point in time, all of the Google cars are electric.  They don't have pedals and they don't have a steering wheel.  This would mean that there would be more room inside the vehicles for stuff like luggage, backpacks and suitcases...and people.

I would gladly go in one of these vehicles.  When they have them available in every single state, it will be more likely that myself and other people will be able to use them, but only if they are affordable and the correct price.  

In my opinion it would be easier if these vehicles where a combination of electric and hybrid vehicles, but still had the abilities I talked about in this article.  There would be less accidents because the driver could take over if needed.  This could possibly free up the police to deal with other problems than traffic accidents.  If perfected I will encourage people to buy these people friendly Google Cars!  Also if perfected, this will make Google look like a really good company.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Google Saves Us From The Optometrists!

Google has come out with a pair of glasses that combine the best features of regular glasses, sunglasses and the best features of computer technology!  I'm only going to consider buying a pair when they are also in 3D.

These Google glasses also have a varied price range.  They went up for public sale on May 15, 2014, but before that they were in the Beta testing stage.  The price range right now is $1500, and more if you want interchangeable frames and lenses.  The frames come in different colors like black, blue, silver, tangerine and white.  I like the blue frame the best.

The person wearing the glasses is able to do whatever the glasses are designed to do.  The wearer can access the internet with voice activation or commands.  You could watch TV on your glasses while you are streaming the internet, or walking the dog.  This probably was first developed by the military.  The military would use this technology for communication between different locations.  They could also search for different identities and locations of individuals.

Here is an example of how you could check the weather on the Google glasses like a movie projector, but in digital form.  So only the viewer can see the information.  This gives perfect privacy to the user.  

The Google glasses probably looked like this in the beginning as a prototype.  They are going to evolve into the Google glasses you know today.

They are also going to use Google glasses for the Google car that is coming out.  The Google car is a vehicle that does not have a's could use the glasses in the car if you wanted to.  The Google cars are not not for sale yet as far as I know.  I would like to see the Google glasses replace all the glasses that people wear.

This technology would also be helpful if you couldn't use your hands or arms because you could still use your eyes to use the Google glasses.  This could really help people with physical and psychological disabilities.  Like most Google products, Google glasses are perfectly safe.  I can't wait to see what Google comes up with next!  My suggestion to Google would be to interface the human brain inside of robots and computer databases.  This is like the movie the Matrix 1 and the movie the Terminator.  I will not be blogging until sometime in December, I'm going on vacation to Mexico!  When I get back, I will google about google's car, and other innovations.  So see you then bloggers!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Google + Saves Social Media From Gossip!

Google + is the newest thing to come out of Google.  Google started out as a search engine and has evolved into a social media site that does not do gossip.  This is referred to as Google Plus.  It's rival is Facebook.  Facebook is the one that does nothing but pictures and gossip.  Google + on the other hand does things in categories just like their search engine, but more organized.

This is one of the many images from Google + and what Google + looks like.  It looks like its not too simple and  not too complicated, mostly young people go to this form of social media.  Google + is the one where mostly young people go to.  Every month, more than 540 million people are using Google +.  During it's private beta testing period, Google + grew to 10 million users after only 2 weeks, which to me suggests that more people like Google + than Facebook.  

As yo can see from this evolutionary chart of social media sites, Google + is the most evolved!  They are ahead of Twitter and Facebook, according to this highly 'factually-based' picture.  

The United States ranks #1 as Google + users, followed by India as #2.  The reason that China is not in the #1 or #2 ranking is because of the strict regulations in that country.  Unlike in America, China knows how to keep their citizens in line.

This picture symbolizes that lots of Goggle + viewers have little bits of freedoms, such as social media hangouts, huddles and circles.  A Google + circle is a small personalized social group of friends.  A huddle is a small group chat option for phones....and a hangout is a video chat and instant message option.  In my opinion, Google + is the wave of search engines, social media sites and will be the future of all internet based companies for the private sector with help from their friends, the NSA. ...even though the NSA does not spy on them.  Someday Facebook, like all fads will go out of business.  I hope you had fun reading my blog.  If you have any suggestions about improving my blog, feel free to post your suggestions in the comment box please.  Please keep your comments positive.  My next post will be about Google glasses.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Teleportation Soon Will Be Reality

The closest that we've ever gotten to a teleportation device would possibly be lasers.  The definition of a teleportation device is moving one set of molecules from one part of a room to another, or moving one object across far distances, as seen in countless science fiction movies.

Someday in the future engineers and scientists will create teleportation technologies of various different sorts.  One of the best uses of this technology is getting to a place a lot faster than planes, cars, and helicopters.  This would be a very efficient form of travel.  Some of the science fiction movies you may have seen this all in was Fly, Star Trek and other science fiction movies.  These science fiction movies have little basis in reality.  

In order to get this technology to work it has to break down the molecules in your body and transport them somewhere else and reorganize them back into the same form somewhere else.  When they are going they will probably start experimenting on animals first and then humans.  But before animals they will probably experiment with inanimate objects like a bottle of water.  

I personally will not use this technology until  it has been perfected on humans and animals and inanimate objects and has been proven that it has no bad side effects and doesn't cause injury or death!  And it can't be too painful or noisy but enough noise to keep you awake during transport would be okay.  In my opinion they should keep your molecules and atoms replicated somewhere in a database just in case something goes wrong.  Nothing to worry about science fans!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Real Life Engineers & Scientists Create Tricorders

Scientists in the future along with engineers will build tricorders, as is seen on the original Star Trek series.  Tricorders detect everything from the human body to aliens to the natural world and beyond, identifying what things are made of and what they are theoretically and their state of wellness or injury.  Just like on Star Trek this could be used for medical purposes and scanning planets.

The 'tri' in tricorder means 3 functions: sensor scan, data analysis and recording data.  There are different types of tricorders.  There is an engineering model which was used for analyzing and fixing machines.  This is what engineers are going to use in the future.  Another kind of tricorder is what the doctors used to examine an injured or sick person.  The medical tricorder made it so people would heal a lot faster, like broken bones or bleeding.

The closest technology that we have now is an iPhone or an LG.  Scientists and engineers are probably working on making a real life tricorder.  A tricorder would be more efficient and more user friendly than an iPhone or an LG.  

This is an attachment for the tricorder that will be used in the future.  An example is that this could be used for medical, engineering or other scientific purposes.  When a tricorder becomes reality and is no longer a toy, I will buy one or 5---for me and my friends!!  If you still read blogs please leave commentary!  Feel free to comment on the tricorder or any of my other blog posts.

Monday, July 28, 2014

MRIs Help Make The World A Better Place

MRIs are important to me because they can show what might be wrong with the brain or any other part of the body.  I'm going to have a brain MRI in a couple of days in Seattle.  MRIs have been used to look for tumors, bleeding, hemorrhages, or other brain problems.  MRIs are different from CAT scans and x-rays because an MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging.

MRIs are radio waves inside a strong magnetic field that translates into lots and lots of digital pictures like I'm showing here.  I like this technology because you can show and determine what is wrong with people.  Then people can get the help they need to start to fix themselves.  Maybe they need surgery, medicine or medical treatment.  

This picture show all the different areas of the brain.  This technology can probably show the brain's abnormality if there is one.  The brain is a very complex organ with lots of parts.  MRIs can show what has happened because of an accident or show something that someone was born with.

MRIs help make the world a better place because they spot health problems so the medical staff can help fix them and treat them.   The MRI was invented 37 years ago but took many years to become available to the general public, so it's pretty new technology.

In my opinion if hospitals want to have access to cool technology like this they need to purchase the equipment from the people who develop it the quickest.  

Besides our tax dollars going to pay for infrastructures, I think MRI machines should be paid with tax revenue so that everybody can have access to MRIs.  Everyone has health problems and so everyone needs good access to MRIs if they need one.

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Second Largest World Economy -- 

Spends Money On A New Train

Japan is planning to spend huge amounts of money on a new train.  It has been created by an architect that is spending a whole bunch of their money on a train--actually $50 million dollars.  It will be able to run on both electric and non-electric train rails.  It's the opposite of high speed rail in China, so it's probably slower.  It's mainly made for luxury tourists and sight seers.

There are 10 carriages on the train.  This is what the back of it looks like.  It's made to look extremely fancy and will hold up to 34 passengers.  It is also called the Cruise Train.  

As you can see, in the luxury parts it is extremely small which doesn't give much room for different people throughout the world. Most westerners are extremely tall and it looks like most westerners would not be able to fit on the train.  Also people in wheelchairs wouldn't be able to go on it either, which makes it very not safe and friendly for all people.  It was clearly not built and designed by engineers.  

It was designed with lots of glass so that the passengers would experience an appreciation for time and space.  It's going to make people extremely uncomfortable, especially people with mental and psychological problems, because it will make them feel like everyone is watching them.  People with expensive tastes will not like this train because it's the worst features of things that are cheap and the worst features of the things that are expensive...rolled all into one, by poor architecture.

This is possibly the only part of the train where people feel the safest.  It's not too small and it's not medium sized, there's a lot of work to do before this is all perfected.  There's no evidence that this will even make it out onto the market.  I've been on the Chinese Bullet Train and I liked that train a lot.  This looks like the total opposite.  I'm not sure I'd like this train.  I probably will not go on this train.  

This train in Japan also doesn't take into account all of the cultural differences between the countries. That's why the Chinese Bullet Train, for different countries visiting is more popular.  That's why the Americans and the Chinese are the two world's biggest economies.  The Japanese are going to have a lot of work to do to impress the rest of the world.  Feel free to leave a comment on my blog.  

Monday, June 30, 2014

NASA Brings Back It's Glory Days

This photo shows a combination flying saucer and jet propelled rocket launched into outer space by NASA, thereby proving NASA still can take us into space!  When the private sector tried taking us into space, it did not work.  This flying saucer technology is being created by three different competitors -- one is NASA,  the military has their own space program and the third one is the private sector.  So far NASA is the number one best impressive one.  

This is a probe that NASA used to demonstrate that they can still land on planets.  They are slowly, possibly going to do more space exploration which will lead to flying saucers, rockets, probes and other futuristic outer space technologies which will help us all travel outside of the earth.  I personally will definitely go into outer space--whether it's the moon, or mars.  First I will go to the moon, and then I will go to mars.  As I am landing on the moon I will be blindfolded to keep me from looking back at the earth....because NASA astronauts have felt a sense of what is called euphoria, which causes them to panic and want to come back to earth.  So once I am safely on the moon, then I will take off my blindfold and see what's in outer space.  The most evolved humans are going to go into outer space.  They may even need to develop new rocket fuels.  They've already begun to use solar technology and rockets.  Rockets and flying saucers are going to replace solar technology.

NASA tests the rockets on the earth first to make sure they don't explode and that they stay together.  Theoretically they could test them in outer space but first they have to test them here, unfortunately before sending them off into space.  They mostly do their tests in the desert because there is more open space there and less wind.  The flying saucer was tested first in the desert and then shipped to Hawaii where it launched Saturday morning, June 28th.  It was a big success!  This is just as important as when man first landed on the moon.  Also this explains away all the flying saucer sightings.  NASA is starting to be less secretive than in the past about space travel.  The only hold out possibly is the Air Force when it comes to outer space things.  

This is exactly the best features of a rocket and a flying saucer!  As this technology develops it will become more advanced.  It took a lot of time to make this technology, so only pay attention to the facts about this flying saucer technology.

Here's it from another angle.  This flying saucer is actually round shaped.  It's propelled by a small rocket on the inside, near the bottom.  Of course they have to add a metal heat shield to the outside!  I'm sure as it develops it will no longer need a parachute to help it...right now they use a parachute to help bring it back to earth.  They only use parachutes in the testing stages of this flying saucer.  

This is one of the people working on the bottom of the rocket.  They work on it to maintain the technology and to keep everything working right.  Of course they have to build this technology from the ground up.  They build this technology in a factory, in a clean room so it won't get dirty.  This technology will someday become advanced enough for everyone to use it.  It will also become so advanced that it will be just like all those movies you see with flying saucers.  This also explains away Roswell conspiracy theories and puts to rest all the conspiracies about NASA and proves that with a little hard work you can even make science fiction technology a reality.  Eventually the armed services, like the Air Force will want to work along side of NASA, because they were the ones to create a flying saucer and the Air Force will be impressed by it.  This brings back the patriotic days when America was in competition with Russia to put a man on the moon.  It's also going to take America and Russia working together in cooperation to build flying saucers and conquer outer space---and will bring back the good old days when NASA and America used to be in competition and will once again make America a super power.