Monday, May 6, 2013

Join the Future with Cryonics

Join the Future with Cryonics

Here is some information I found on Wikipedia about Cryonics:
Cryonics (from Greek κρύος kryos- meaning icy cold) is the low-temperature preservation of humans and animals who cannot be sustained by contemporary medicine, with the hope that healing and resuscitation may be possible in the future. 
 As of 2012, only around 250 people have undergone the procedure since it was first proposed in 1962.
A central premise of cryonics is that long-term memory, personality, and identity are stored in durable cell structures and patterns within the brain that do not require continuous brain activity to survive.
This is a good video clip:

I believe that Cryonics will work because it is not based on conventional wisdom because conventional wisdom is a disproved science, so I'm putting my faith behind cryonics and the future of medicine.  This is an ambulance to the future!  That means that they eventually will be able to bring you and me back to life!  There is no ethical consideration of any kind that you have to worry about regarding cryonics.  I also believe that it might possibly be the first time in medical  history where unethical people and ethical might be forced to work together to make cryonics work.
They are working to prepare the body for being frozen so the person can be brought back to life later.  The most effective way is to freeze the whole body, not just the head.  There are lots of scientists and doctors working tirelessly to make cryonics the future of medicine.  This particular science is a misunderstood field of study.  Like most misunderstood sciences, it was persecuted at first.  Eventually it will be vindicated.
 Some of the companies that perform cryonics are KrioRus in Europe, and Alcor in Arizona.  Everything said in pop culture about cryonics is false.  It is going to take the ethical people working on cryonics from a financial perspective to make it happen for everyone.  From an unethical standpoint it will take human trials and human experimentation on a massive scale to make cryonics a reality.

Ted Williams for those that don't know him, he was a famous baseball player & is the only celebrity to undergo cryonics.  They currently use nitrogen in liquid form to do cryonics.  I myself am going to have cryonics done on me when I die.  That way I'll be brought back to life when cryonics is perfected and I'll continue my life as usual...and as a better person.  I highly recommend to my friends and family to undergo cryonics as well.  That way I might see you in the future!  Another reason to do cryonics is that science is more rapidly growing in regards to medicine than ever before in it's entire history.
When cryonics and all future medical science is vindicated the press and the nay-sayers will owe future medical science and cryonics an apology.  And this is coming from a man who rarely believes in apologies!  See you in the future if you have self preservation!

1 comment:

  1. So do you favor whole body cyro-storage or just the head?

    The nattering nabob's of negativity would truly be silenced if you come back after cyronic storage.

    Love DAD
