Monday, December 2, 2013

One Engineer Saves Us From Ourselves!

Kshama Sawant was born in India in 1973, which means that she is ten years older than me --she is 40!   She is important because she advocates for ideas that are realistic and for people who have a hard time advocating for themselves.

She has just been elected to the Seattle City Council and won over a gentleman who had been on the council for 16 years.  Kshama is a socialist and formally was a software engineer.  She believes in economic equality, expanding public transportation, taxing the wealthy, and especially raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour.

This picture means that she's been on the news promoting socialism which is the opposite of capitalism.  Socialists believe in cooperative and common ownership of resources.

I like this picture because it represents money becoming more up to date.  This idea would be the first woman on our currency and it represent new forms of currency and would inspire people to put new or current important people on our currency instead of old people that no one remembers.

These two pictures represent her not being elitist and fights with the common person for equality.  She also grew up in poverty and understands the struggle of both the middle class and the poor.  My personal hope for her is that she inspires young people to become socialist and to advocate for people who can not advocate for themselves, because she represents what America is suppose to be about -- having immigrants coming here and changing the country for the better…just like it says in our constitution.  This is more proof that socialism is no longer a dirty word and capitalism is becoming the new dirty word!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Solar Trash and Recycling Compactors Reduce Costs

There's a new innovation in solar technology application in Soldotna Alaska.  Big Belly Solar trash compactors work with both recycling technology and garbage technology.  This has saved the City of Soldotna lots of money in both the short term and the long term.  Because the trash is compacted the city workers don't have to empty the trash as often and this save time and money for doing other projects such as infrastructure.

The solar panels are on top because that's how they absorb sunlight.  The solar energy operates the electricity for the compactor motor.  Also these are unique cans because they keep out pests like bears, bees, squirrels and sea gulls.  This means that food and trash don't make the city look messy and stinky.

The solar garbage and recycling collectors also work during the winter!  The solar panels store up energy so that they can be used during any weather conditions.

This product, the solar trash and recycling technology are being used all over the world.  The picture above is from Sweden!  These cans are also used in the United States.

You can choose whether you want your trash to go into the recycling bin or the trash bin.  When we separate trash the solar recycling technology goes to work.  We spend less money at the landfills when we recycle.

They also take up less space than traditional trash cans and keep the streets safe from ugly garbage.  The city is now free from diseases you can get from garbage.  These cans are colorful and very artistic and pleasant on the eyes!  This keeps our cities from being overloaded from huge amounts of trash.

These cans also will send a text message to the city workers when they are full!  As you can see there is an actual solar panel on top of them so you know it is an actual piece of technology that is proven to work.  This is the best use of solar technology but remember that even solar panels can have their limits.  So keep this technology in mind when it comes to cleaning up trash!

Monday, September 23, 2013

We have reached the carrying capacity of the Earth!

The real goal behind NASA is to evacuate the population of scientists, engineers and their families into outer space!

They want to avoid the people that don't recognize the fact that our world is over-populating.  We have reached the capacity of our earth's resources and health.  We need to therefore evacuate the earth to space stations and the moon, mars and other places in space.

This is what hospitals are going to look like in space in the future.  We are merely buying time before we can and must evacuate into space.  After the mass exodus of earth, NASA will no longer be needed...but something like NASA will replace this...we can't say yet what it is....because we don't know.

I will be one of the many people who go into space because like the rest of the people, my lungs adapt well to non-oxygen environments.  I have a trick secret on how to avoid oxygen, let's just say it will involve some kind of liquid, perhaps liquid oxygen!

This is what space stations will look like in the future, along with space ships attached to them.  We will overcome gravity by using anti-graviton particles in the fuel and in our atmosphere.  The healthiest of people will be in space.  See you there someday bloggers!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Engineering Wars

There is a man named Elon Musk that claims that he has futuristic ideas.  He has been successful in two endeavors so far, one involving electric cars and the other involving docking a private spacecraft with the International Space Station.

As the CEO of SpaceX, Elon Musk (below) has already booked 38 flights into space with over $4 billion in additional contracts.  He believes that we can be a multi-planet species but doesn't mention the fact that it might take government funding to accomplish this.  This guy is an entrepreneur and an engineer...and has big dreams but may or may not realize that the government is the one that will really make it happen.  

Personally, I would only go on this if it was only heavily regulated by the federal government because the government was the original maker of NASA....and I trust NASA engineers, not private engineers.

His interests include developing sustainable energy vehicles and travel.  In fact one of his biggest projects is in developing a type of light rail system between San Francisco and Los Angeles.  The hyperloop is a system of aluminum tubes that carry about 28 people a piece and these tubes shoot through steel tubes at a rate of 760 mph and are fueled mostly through solar panels.  At this speed people would be at their destination in 30 minutes!

The hyperloop functions like an air hockey table where pressure from below and the sides propel the tube to make it go faster and faster...less friction.

In the future Elon Musk might be proven correct about high speed rail because his brand of engineers are good at working with the government on rail systems.  Government engineers are good at space, car, civil,  mechanical and other kinds of engineering.  It's a battle between the engineers to create stuff. I'll see you in the future when engineers develop a time machine!  You may be reading this already if you're an engineer in the future!

Monday, August 12, 2013

The CDC Needs to Take Back the Nation's Hospitals!

The first fact about the CDC is that it stands for the Center of Disease Control and Prevention.  This is a  national program that focuses on everyone's health regardless if you have health insurance or not.  This organization is made up of doctors, nurses, educators, epidemiologists, researchers and other professionals that work in three areas:
1. protecting communities from disease outbreaks, like the flu
2. ensuring safe water and food
3. preventing deaths from heart disease, cancer, strokes and diabetes.

They have an $11 billion annual budget and the home office is in Atlanta, Georgia, with 10 other offices around the country.  
Dr. Tom Frieden is the CDC Director.  On the website he has short video clips that you can watch.  He talks about CDC projects like Hepatitis C being a baby-boomer problem, reducing smoking addiction for adults and people who experience mental health problems and other videos too.  He doesn't come off as nerdy, dorky, or old fashioned....and he doesn't talk down to people.  I highly recommend that you watch his video clips.

The CDC also helps out during times of disaster, like Hurricane Katrina.  They are there to prevent disease outbreaks, like sewage in the water systems and such.  They occasionally help out with preventing diseases after natural disasters in foreign countries, like when Japan had that terrible earthquake.  This is an example of one of the many great works that the CDC does for America and the world.

The CDC also has lots of scientists working in the lab to come up with new ways to treat diseases, both natural diseases like the flu, and chemical terrorism...anything that effects the health of a community.

The CDC is an agency that is indispensable and worth having it's powers expanded to have absolute power and control over every single hospital in every single state.  I believe this to be important because it's the only way America will get free healthcare for everyone without health insurance.  And this is what's needed to make America healthy and well....and easier to build science technology infrastructure and create more jobs.  The reason we do not need the health insurance system is because it contributes to our economic disaster and it's only getting worse.  In a matter of time our economy will collapse if we don't do something as quick and efficiently as possible.

Monday, July 8, 2013

New Pipeline Secures America's Energy Future

There is an oil pipeline being built through Oklahoma, Texas and several other states in the US into Canada.  The oil pipeline is about halfway complete.  When it is completed the pipeline will be bigger than the pipeline in Alaska, and will make sure that America can keep getting oil.  The oil originates in Canada and flows into America.  This will eliminate our dependency on foreign oil.  Instead of taking Middle Eastern oil we can take Canada's oil.

This will make America economically independent as it relates to oil.  This is good because it will create more jobs for Americans in both the short term and in the long term.  We are better allies with Canada, than we are with the Middle East.  The oil pipeline is going to be built no matter what people's inevitable!

This will also create more advancements in science and technology because we will have to create solutions for the pipeline.  

There will be very little impact on the environment because engineers that are working in conjunction with environmental engineers will make sure that there is to be very little environmental impact.  It will be an underground pipeline system, thereby making it safer from earthquakes and acts of terrorism.  

The National Guard will keep our oil pipelines including this one and other pipelines we build in the United States secure.

The Army Corp of Engineers and other engineering groups will help this oil pipeline and other pipelines along with the National Guard, thereby making it patriotic and extremely safe!

It's an absolute necessity that we do this.  It's important to use up every natural resource we have in America and Canada before we start using renewable resources.

Monday, July 1, 2013



Zombies are misunderstood by popular culture!  Even though zombies can kill....they are only killing in self defense, because they are the more evolved version of us.  Most legitimate scientists believe in the theory of evolution therefore they have to believe that zombies are just another step in evolution.  If you want the perfect collective that does not make as many mistakes as our present human race, then you want zombies!

There are technically two different kinds of zombies: mindless zombies and thinking zombies.  

The thinking zombies are like the high command structure of zombies.  They order the non thinking zombies around and tell them what to do.  They tell them who to make into a zombie and who not to make into a zombie.  Zombies are very efficient at avoiding disease because they they don't bite anyone who has been infected with viruses, bacteria or any other disease.  They also require very few periods of rest...and they don't require sleep.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) came out with several contradictory statements about the theoretical possibilities of zombies.  The Director the CDC claims they are trying to help people with being prepared for other emergencies :

 We continue to reach and engage a wide variety of audiences on all hazards preparedness via Zombie Preparedness; and as our own director, Dr. Ali Khan, notes, "If you are generally well equipped to deal with a zombie apocalypse you will be prepared for a hurricane, pandemic, earthquake, or terrorist attack."

Just in case you didn't know, these are the symptoms of becoming a zombie.  The reason that I'm titling this post "Zombies are the new Roswell" is because years ago there were claims at Area 51 that an alien spacecraft crashed with alien bodies at this top secret military base...also called Area 51.  Now there's an extraordinary claim that there are zombie stuff at the CDC, such as saying that zombies are real, that's what the original CDC report said.  Hence the term 'zombies are the new Roswell.'

The Symptoms

Depending on the person and the location of the entry point, an infected person may have hours before reanimating. Here is a timetable of symptoms according to Max Brooks:
Hour 1: Pain and discoloration (brown-purple) of the infected area. Immediate clotting of the wound (provided the infection came from a wound).
Hour 5: Fever (99-103 degrees F), chills, slight dementia, vomiting, acute pain in the joints.
Hour 8: Numbing of extremities and infected area, increased fever (103-106 degrees F), increased dementia, loss of muscular coordination.
Hour 11: Paralysis in the lower body, overall numbness, slowed heart rate.
Hour 16: Coma.
Hour 20: Heart stoppage. Zero brain activity.
Hour 23: Reanimation.
The government employees that are spokespersons and those that write articles about zombies have to be more careful when they are divulging information...and this is a clear example of why.  Even if you're telling the truth in this case you have to be careful on how you say it.

This article can be used by scientists and others to point out what conspiracy theorists in the government got right for a change.  Just to out-do the supposed news gathering network of news reporters.

Monday, June 17, 2013

The fastest growing states are setting a better example

 for the other states!

We got this information about the fastest growing states from a news article we read on CNN.  The fastest growing states include North Dakota, Texas, Oregon, Washington and Minnesota.  This is extremely interesting news. 

The Bakken Shale area of North Dakota is booming because of the oil and petroleum production there. People can make lots of money working for these companies.  The state has been able to reduce it's taxes because the state is getting richer from the oil production.  The unemployment rate is under 3% which is really low compared to the rest of the country!

The second fastest growing state is Texas.  Oil production, auto and aircraft manufacturing and electronics are expanding in Texas and provide lots of new jobs which makes more money.

The third fastest growing state is Oregon and their boom is coming from the development of computers and electronics, particularly the company, Intel.  This company is huge in the computer electronic industry.  Intel has 6 different manufacturing campuses and has over 17,000 employees which makes them the largest private employer in the state.

Information, manufacturing and retail are pushing Washington forward as the fourth fastest growing state in the country.  Companies like Boeing, Microsoft and Amazon all have headquarters and manufacturing in Washington state.

And the last one in our list today is the fifth fastest growing state in the country: Minnesota!  Minnesota is growing fast because of construction, real estate, wholesale trade and agriculture.  The big companies growing in Minnesota are Target, 3M and Best Buy.

These fastest growing states show us that America is best at manufacturing and business in it's own country (the US).  We can make sure that the economy and manufacturing stay within the borders of the US, thereby making sure that America stays a super-power!

Monday, June 10, 2013

A greater invention than the iPad!

3 D printers are devices that slowly build up plastic or other materials to make objects, such as wrenches, guns, medical devices and shoes.  I believe that this technology will take off eventually and replace the iPad, computers and other electronic devices in the home.  There will be great advances in 3 D printing during a time of war because that is when people start to innovate and make things better.
3 D printers can make it easier to build vehicles.  Unlike traditional manufacturing which carves materials away....3 D printing adds through sequential layering of materials without making mistakes.   For right now, 3 D printing unfortunately requires the use of the internet, but you can use digital code for 3 D printing so you don't always need the internet.  It is not recommended that you use the internet for 3 D printing.  The future of 3 D printing will make it so we don't need to have globalization or the internet because we can just build tools and other technologies through the use of 3 D printing.

3 D printing can also be used to make plastic to go around electronic devices and make electronic devices too, such as the phone or radio, televisions or a microwave.  All electronic devices in the future are going to be made by 3 D printers.  You can print in many different textures and also in many different colors.  When the price of 3 D printers come down it will make it easier for people to afford them.
I first found out about 3 D printers when I heard that some people were using 3 D printers to make plastic handguns.  These kinds of guns would not be detected by metal detectors in the airports.  The digital plans have been available for free on the internet and anybody could look at them and download them...and make a gun if they have a 3 D printer!  In the future you will need a license to own a 3 D printer if you want to make a gun or any other weapon.  So 3 D printers are not the problem, it's the people behind them--they are using them for either good or bad purposes.  A plastic gun would be detectable in an X-ray if you knew what to look for.  The military however has an interest in this kind of 3 D printers as well.
3 D printers can also be used in outer space to build moon bases on the moon and on mars and build stuff in outer space to make it easier to build new places for us to explore and live in outer space.  This will eventually happen with the 3 D printer in outer space.  When they make it so a printer can rely on it's own energy source, then that will be another advantage to taking the 3 D printer into space.  And the 3 D printer has has it's own database built into it without having to rely on the internet at all...that will be another great advancement in the future of 3 D printing.

Monday, May 20, 2013

The IRS fights against the Tea Party and the Executive Branch

The Executive Branch began to over-reach it's power during several different administrations, starting with Watergate and Ronald Reagan.  Several different republican and democratic administrations have committed acts of corruption.  The IRS attempted to go after conservative tea-bagger movements that are a threat to the United States.  All the IRS stands for is internal revenue service.  The conservative movement made outlandish claims that the IRS was picking on them which has no basis in fact.    The head of the IRS was unjustly fired by Obama which one could argue is technically illegal because the rule of law is not supposed to be used in political circles.  The President also does not technically have the the power to fire everyone.   One of the main jobs of the IRS is to make sure everyone pays their taxes because not paying your taxes is a federal offense.  Federal laws supersede state laws.  The IRS is part of the federal government.  The federal government actually has more power than the Executive Branch.  The entire federal system is set up in a way that is completely separate from everyone in the Executive Branch.  On multiple occasions the Executive Branch has overseen it's own powers.  The federal government should get rid of the Executive Branch so it can start to work again.

The week-and-a-half-old controversy, which involves the IRS targeting of tea party and other conservative groups which were seeking tax exempt status, has dominated headlines and put the White House on the defensive. (CNN News)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Cold Fusion: Putting an end to the Tyranny of Natural Fuels

Cold Fusion: Putting an end to the Tyranny of Natural Fuels

Cold fusion would put an end to both oil, coal, natural gas and also put an end to all current productions of foreign natural fuels.  That's why it's the atomic energy versus the other energy suppliers.  It's in the atomic energy peoples best interest to make cold fusion a reality.  Thereby putting middle eastern oil out of business! and putting Chinese coal out of business ! It will also put environmental technologies out of business.  It is inevitable that cold fusion will become a reality.

Once it does, we will no longer have oil, coal or environmental technologies and it will put us ahead of all foreign competitors.  It will make us technologically more advanced and we will no longer need to share our natural or un-natural resources with any foreign country.

Cold fusion is also referred to as LENR, which means low energy nuclear reaction, which produces no ionizing radiation or radioactive waste.  This makes it more safe and convenient than wind turbines that can fall on your head.  It is also safer than coal which is bad for your lungs.  It's safer than oil because it doesn't cause global climate has absolutely zero pollution.

It's going to go from a laboratory setting to a huge, massive scale production of low energy LENR.   Once this is done on a large scale all of our energy problems will go away overnight and never reappear!  The countries that benefit from this the most are the United States, Canada, and Russia...and continental Europe.  As long as these countries agree to mass produce this within their own home countries, without sharing it with the Middle East or any other foreign country, their energy needs will be assured for future generations to come.

There will be great advancements in engineering, technology and business and various other scientific applications, even in the government.  The government will benefit from this technology first.  The government will be the first to manufacture this using engineers and scientists, first on a small scale and then on a large scale.  The economic problems will disappear overnight when it comes to our energy needs.  The government will first only allow it to be used in the U.S. then it will make one country at a time sign treaties that reinforce and bound scientists, engineers and governments and individual people to keep it within their own countries.  They will form committees that enforce LENR to keep it in the hands of a selected list of a few countries, which will be the U.S., Canada, continental Europe and Russia.  It ail also cause scientists and engineers to take another look at non-mainstream sciences.  Someday this will happen in secret if it hasn't happened already.  America and it's allies are better when they work together in secret and then when it's perfected, then they can tell everyone.

Here are two interesting quotes i found to share with you on the web:ese

When we think of nuclear power, there are usually just two options: fission and fusion. Fission, which creates huge amounts of heat by splitting larger atoms into smaller atoms, is what currently powers every nuclear reactor on Earth. Fusion is the opposite, creating vast amounts of energy by fusing atoms of hydrogen together, but we’re still many years away from large-scale, commercial fusion reactors.   (

The nuclear power used currently is created by nuclear fission, which is not a natural process. Fission is produced by “splitting” heavy atoms. It generates steam heat to power electric plants, nuclear ships, submarines and weapons. The result is a tremendous amount of radioactive nuclear waste. Fission requires sufficient fuel within a small space, to reach high temperature and pressure inside a fusion reactor. This causes a release of electromagnetic energy, more radioactive than the heavy fuel. There always exists a danger of not maintaining confinement, which includes catastrophic failure. Because of this, nuclear fusion power is believed to have significant safety advantages over power stations based on nuclear fission. (