Monday, June 29, 2015

Surveillance And Security Work Together 

And Soon Will Merge

These are old fashioned security cameras from the early 1980's I think.  These used to be used to monitor just crime or the potential for crime.  After violent protests and terrorism we have upgraded our systems to include both security and surveillance.  The government agencies that include this are the NSA, which you may know from electronic surveillance, the FBI and the newest homeland security.  In rare cases businesses want to be involved as well.  

This is a security camera that is more up to can move in more angles and directions and also includes HD capabilities and is much more efficient.  It looks a lot like a lamp to the average citizen.  That's why they put them in areas where people don't know where the security cameras are, and this gives better security and better surveillance to public areas.  This will make people feel more comfortable especially if they have nothing to hide.

Drones like this also give an extra layer of security and surveillance.  They can monitor electronically and are capable of taking pictures. Because they are mobile they can follow threats that are called in.  They can also follow vehicles, trains, planes and anything that moves.  They use a variety of different methods involving technologies for day time detection and night time and evening detection as well.  They can also be used to gather information.  They can be used to monitor groups of people or a single individual.  This technology has proven to work both in experimental scenarios, and also in real life within the United States and overseas.  

This computer chip that was developed by scientists and engineers can be put inside the human body so a person can be monitored.  We already use this technology with dogs.  Many dogs have been found after being lost using this technology.  There is one person who agreed to have this technology put into their body and it worked perfectly.  This can be used as a legal president for using this technology in both humans, dogs and in rare cases could be used with cattle.  Businesses use this already in the United States.  The UK uses this in their country as well.  In the United States it's less controversial because we use it with dogs and we can use it with humans.  This is the technology of both the modern century and the future that will keep us safe.

I would gladly have this implanted in my body.  That way I could not be kidnapped.  This would be a great way to protect individual people, families and children.  It would also be a good way to monitor  people coming into the United States.  One kind of chip could be for Americans and one kind of chip for foreigners.  Eventually other security and surveillance systems will go online later.  Eventually security and surveillance will merge together.  We have merged government agencies before, so there is a legal president for merging security and surveillance.  The better we merge agencies, the better off we will be as a nation.

Monday, June 8, 2015

The United Arab Emerites Take Natural Resources War Into Outer Space!

The United Arab Emerites has decided to start their own space program to send Middle Easterners to the Red Planet.  They want to diversify their economy by going to the Red Planet to get more natural resources which puts them in competition with the US, Russia, and India.  They predict that their oil supply will run out within 50 years.

The United Arab Emerites wants to go into space so they can go the Red Planet and land people there.  First they are going to send a probe.  They want to orbit Mars for 4 years with a satellite and accomplish this by 2021.

With these different countries, some countries will see this as both competition and an interest in their national security.  

The United Arab Emerites is also investing in higher education for their own citizens so they can develop their own engineers and scientists for their project of space travel.  

This is going to mean that more countries are going to be out in space and they will have to decide their alliances in outer space.  More likely the United States will ally themselves with Russia, Scotland, Europe and Germany...and Asia.  They will not ally themselves with the UAE because they will not see it in their national security interests.  The UAE and the US and other countries mentioned above will both be in competition for outer space and will probably end up arguing about it.  They will probably also end up more than likely fighting over the Red Planet...also known as Mars.  One of the possible natural resources of Mars is hydrogen, also known as H2O or just hydrogen by itself.  Just like the future wars will be fought over H2O and hydrogen on earth, they will also fight over the same things in outer space.  So they will need lots of scientists and engineers and other professions to guard their space programs.  

Monday, June 1, 2015

Virtual Reality Saves The World

Virtual Reality or VR has several different components to it: visual, sound, smell, touch and taste.  There are several different types of virtual reality.  The first kind is used to train people in the armed services.  It helps our troops be more efficient in their jobs and take less casualties without being in direct combat.  The second kind is gaming.  And an example of this is experiments they've used in games.  Some games involve play station.  Virtual reality also involves television, which is the third kind of virtual reality.  

This is what it looks like in one of the many forms of virtual reality involving television, which is the kind that eventually led to television virtual reality, play station virtual reality, gaming virtual reality and reading books on virtual reality.  There are many more types of virtual reality. 

Virtual reality can be done with virtual reality gloves, headset, and data suits.  Virtual reality can also be done without the gloves or data suit.  This is what it looks like if you do not use the gloves.  You can use plastic sticks (like as seen in this picture) or just use your regular hands.  

This is what virtual reality looks like on play station.  Virtual reality is also available on television and also on computer.  There are high tech rooms for virtual reality.  I am going to eventually get VR for my computer, my television and VR for my iPad and iPhone.   VR is rapidly growing in progress and development.

This is what VR looks like in the television version where you can explore your favorite shows, movies and other things.  I would gladly like to use VR in this form as well.  I'm interested in VR in all of it's forms.  I'd like to experience being in Star Trek movies, Star Wars movies and a variety of other movies.  I'd also like to play new games with VR.  I will also choose my own adventures!  Anyone who I know who is reading this...don't be surprised if you see me on VR!  As this technology grows, I wouldn't be surprised to see a VR version of Skype.  

You can also build things using VR.  For example you can build your own virtual world.  I will use this.  I would encourage anyone who is into blogging and stuff --to get into VR.