Monday, May 18, 2015

NASA Is Planning To Put Astronauts on Mars!

NASA is planning to land people on Mars, also known as astronauts.  They also have been using a contest for suggestions on how to accomplish this.  This is what it looks like when a rocket takes off to outer space and go out to planets like Mars.

New technologies make it possible to live on Mars.  This is what a Mars base might look like.  The new environment will be totally different and more challenging that what we have now on earth.  It will be challenging and completely not boring.  

This is how they are going to live inside on Mars.  This will be the first experiments at how people live on Mars.  At first the living arrangements will be small.  They will learn a lot about how humans do in small spaces on Mars.  As living pods get bigger they will adapt a lot better to bigger living space.  

In the short term they will use these kinds of small pods for different uses.  Then they will make stuff bigger so they can have more room for tools and technology.  This will make things better and easier for living on Mars.  

They will use different forms of communication.  First they will use our existing communication that is in place now.  Then as communication evolves it will be more like Skype -- without the use of the internet.  This is a picture of what it might look like when they set up satellite communication.  

This is a futuristic illustration of what it can look like in the future on Mars, if what we do on Mars is done properly.  I would gladly go to Mars or to any other planet.  I would gladly take my loved ones and family members if I could.  

Monday, May 11, 2015

NASA Requests Suggestions From The Anxious Public

Mars is approximately 140 million miles away from Earth.  NASA is requesting suggestions from the general public around the following categories:
  • Shelter
  • Food
  • Energy
  • Water
  • Breathable Air
  • Communication
  • Exercise
  • Social Interactions
  • Medicine
My suggestion would be to conserve food.  NASA is making suggestions so that they can get more ideas on what needs to get done before they launch people to Mars.  They should conserve food in small amounts so that food lasts longer.  I know this from my own personal experience.  I ate small amounts of food and that made it last longer.  

NASA is going to have to pick the best suggestions from all the entries.  The reward is a huge amount of money...about $5,000.00 which is not worth a lot in today's economy.  Someone could take this money and start their own version of NASA, that is one thing that NASA did not take into account when they set up this competition.  But maybe they want competition so they can get ahead.

Another idea is to use spaceships also known as space shuttles to go from the Space Station to Mars which will cut down on the amount of fuel for transporting people.  It will also cut down on the amount of fuel and energy for travel.  The shuttles will have to drag a huge amount of water, food, medicine, communication equipment and other supplies in separate shuttles.  

NASA will also need to shoot up rockets that go in between planets for communication with Mars.  These will be like the NASA version of Skype to Mars.  They will also be able to use this for radio communication and computer communication to Mars which will be linking several systems which are normally separate.  This will have to be extremely innovative because it will combine a Skype-like technology, radio and computer communications and possibly video feed as well.

All the different countries of the world will make their own different versions of rockets.  An example of this is America, Russia and China and a few other countries are going to build their own rockets to send out into space and to Mars as well.   They will all look different but they will all be built the same, but they won't rely on each other whatsoever.  This will lead to America not needing to rely on Russia for outer space technologies.  They will end up creating their own existing country on Mars which will be the same as America and the same as Russia.  China is also a good example of this.  Each country will plant their own individual flag and claim that land for their own country.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Personal Air Vehicles Save Us From Bad Drivers!

This is the only picture that I could find of a personal air vehicle.  It can be used in Southeast Asia, Africa, the United States and any other country that is capable of manufacturing them.  They are going to make this so hackers and terrorists can not hack into them or mess with them in any way.  They will not use GPS or have internet built into them.  This will make them safe from the hackers on the internet & it will be safe from the too many threats of hackers and terrorists.

The personal air vehicles can be used in Southeast Asia and Africa because they can go where there are no existing roads, which can be used to demonstrate how this technology works.  Later these can be used in the United States.  

This technology already exists in Boening 737s and Airbuses.  This is drone technology which we use in existing aircraft for navigation.  The only reason that drones have a negative reputation is because the press over-hypes the use of drones for spying and does not talk about the many other uses for drones.  The press should focus on the fact that drones are used for multiple uses.

The personal air vehicle has a faster response time than the human brain.  Therefore these vehicles can be used to replace human pilots.  The average human response time is about one half second and the drone technology is micro-seconds...which means the personal air vehicle is safer by a lot!

Some people believe that sharing these vehicles with other people such as a car rental or zip sharing is one of the ways to use them.  Others believe that using them for their intended use of individual ownership or companies using them or governments will more realistic, but sharing does not come easily for human beings.  Using companies or governments is easier for people to use in terms of price and access to the vehicles.  It's also easier to get access to personal air vehicles as an individual, but sharing them is extremely difficult.  Sharing is also known as zip sharing too, which is a competing organization.

I would definitely use this technology because I consider it to be extremely safe.  I would use it to fly globally, internationally and going back and forth to work.  As it evolves, I would probably use it to go into outer space.  I would park it underground in a garage where no one knows it's location except for me and a select few people.  That way it can't be stolen.  I advise people to do whatever they can to save up their money to buy a personal air vehicle.  This technology is extremely safe.