Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Full Body Scanners Keep America Safe

Full body scanners are most commonly known as being used at airports.  They scan the human body for weapons, such as guns and explosives and other threats.  They can detect things that are metal and also things that are not metal.  They are more accurate than a metal detector.

The information used cannot be copied, sent anywhere or stored or downloaded by anyone.  This is a very good security system.  It's a lot more secure and safer than a metal detector because it catches more bad people trying to do things, such as terrorists.  

This shows an x-ray of the human body.  The person looking at the images in the airports is in a separate room, viewing the images from the full body scanner.  

Both the United States and Canada use full body scanners for security.  In this picture, it is an example of the kind of full body scanner that Canada uses.  Full body scanners are extremely efficient and are extremely good at security.  Full body scanners protect us against terrorists and other threats.

Here is another type of full body scanner.  This full body scanner is a combination of scanner and full door access.  Full body scanners can be used for a variety of purposes.  They can be used at airports, buildings, schools, armed services bases, and can even be used when you go on the ferry.    Full body scanners should be used in more places, that way it can keep America more safe.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Big Corporation, SpaceX, Lands Rocket

SpaceX is a business that is in the business of mass producing rockets to put things into space, like internet probes and communication satellites.  SpaceX is a fairly new corporation and is a rival of NASA, and other space groups.  It wouldn't surprise me if SpaceX lands on the moon which will lead them to being the second group other than NASA to land on the moon.


This is what the contrail of the rocket looks like.  They've had 11 successful missions so far.  When it came to putting communication satellites in space, unlike it's rival NASA, SpaceX has had less stuff put into outer space.  

This is what the top of the rocket looks like.  Inside is mostly electronic components.  According to a guy working for SpaceX, this also houses the satellites that they put into low-earth orbit.  What they failed to mention is NASA puts it further out into space.  That's because NASA is their competitor.  

SpaceX gets money from corporations like Orbcomm.  SpaceX also gets money from other corporations.  NASA, unlike SpaceX gets money from the federal government because NASA is part of the federal system.  SpaceX probably has lots of big ideas on the drawing board for projects in outer space.  SpaceX is going to find that they are going to have a lot of competitors when it comes to using technology in space.  SpaceX might also end up meeting NASA astronauts in outer space just briefly if they ever land on a planet someday.  SpaceX is probably is going to have it's own version of astronauts.  Both SpaceX and NASA have big plans when it comes to outer space.  An example of this is building stuff on Mars or the moon.

Friday, December 18, 2015

United States Air Force -- The Biggest Technological Game Changer Since The Stealth Bomber!

The Air Force with Lockhead Martin and DARPA engineers and scientists successfully have developed laser systems for fighter jets.  The laser systems are located on the nose of the aircraft.  They have been successfully tested so far.  This means that these jets don't need to reload ammunition like regular warfare, instead these aircraft use electrical laser technology.

These laser weapons have been used on naval and ground command centers already, but it's new technology for the Air Force.  The lasers for aircraft must be smaller, lighter and more accurate because it's attached to a g-force moving vessel that vibrates.  So the technology needs to be very accurate.

Lasers are going to be excellent in protecting the Air Force because it has a 360 degree capacity for hitting the target or enemy.  The laser has the ability to protect the pilot and the country.  This will make it very difficult for foreign countries to attack the Air Force.  It will ensure that America stays a super power.

Lasers will also be excellent for pilots that get into arial battles.  Lasers can burn through metal and are silent.  This particular technology can make us even more powerful than already existing super powers and can make us at a level above super powers.

This is what the laser looks like when placed on the nose.  The laser also has its own protective shield.  The laser can be put anywhere on the plane.  These laser weapons can be put on anything that flies.  

The laser can also shoot from any direction and blow up any one that tries to attack it, just like a shield, except with lasers.

This laser can also be used to defend the United State's borders against unauthorized aircraft.  This is the biggest game changer since weapons systems came out on military aircraft.

Somebody in the Air Force has already ordered laser systems on this kind of aircraft.  Other lasers will go on every type of modern aircraft, futuristic aircraft and other technological systems.  Lasers will make sure the United States eventually become so powerful, that we could possibly become invincible!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Anonymous Declares War On ISIS

Anonymous and the NSA have one common enemy: ISIS and other middle eastern terrorist organizations.  I encourage Anonymous and the NSA to team up against ISIS and to put their differences aside, so they can work towards the common good of everyone.

Anonymous is a voluntary, virtual community that is a network of activists.  They wear Guy Fawkes masks to hide their identify and to poke fun at how stupid terrorism can be.    The organization started in 2003.  

Anonymous has gone after lots of different groups.  They have gone after the Church of Scientology, and several world governments.  Their current campaign is going after ISIS because of the recent terrorist attack in France.  They say that they are going to go after and disable the ISIS computers and network.

Anonymous would be hard for ISIS to target.  So, it would be very smart for the NSA and Anonymous to team up in common cause.  Philosophically, there is very little difference between the NSA and Anonymous.  The NSA's mandate is to protect the federal government and the general public.  Anonymous' goal is to protect the state government and the general public, so if they put their differences aside they would have an easier time accomplishing their goals.

Anonymous is going to be very successful at fighting ISIS because they are going after one of the places that ISIS recruits terrorists.

As you can see in this picture a member of Anonymous is holding up a sign talking about one of the many things that they believe in.  This is proof that they believe in common cause.

This picture represents patriotism and loyalty, honesty, integrity and bravery towards one country and  Uncle Sam wants Anonymous and the NSA to team up.  

When the NSA and Anonymous put their differences aside there's nothing that they cannot accomplish.  The NSA are experts on electronics.  Anonymous are experts in hacking.  So if the NSA were to attack ISIS they can also succeed.  If Anonymous attacks ISIS they will succeed.  And Anonymous can be a back up system for the NSA and in turn the NSA can be a back up system for Anonymous.  Common cause is how you win wars, not ideology.  

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Finally--Every Man, Woman And Child's Dream of Beating The Laws Of Physics Has Come True!

As you know, conventional science that heavily relies on oil, natural gas and the laws of physics was not invented in western culture.  It was invented in all the southern parts of the Middle East.  This has heavily relied on outdated engineering practices, unlike America that has the highest science and engineering up-to-date standards.  DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency) along with NASA has investigated cold fusion!  DARPA is still experimenting and developing cold fusion.

When cold fusion pans out the United States will be decades, perhaps centuries ahead of both the Middle East, China and North Korea...as well as other countries in terms of electronics.  An example of that is with computers that run on cold fusion.  We will have finally out-done our competitors as well as our enemies.  We can give thanks to DARPA and NASA.  Both DARPA and NASA are our nation's heroes, which have worked tirelessly behind the scenes.

When DARPA and NASA create cold fusion for space travel it will mix the best features of inexpensive space travel with cheapness and inexpensive taste technologies and will make it easier to have both civilian and non-civilian astronauts that go into space.  This will make space tourism a reality!  

Cold fusion is created in a kind of chamber that can be moved around to study.  It can also be put in an engine.   Cold fusion is decades ahead of uranium and yellow cake nuclear technology.  Cold fusion is more advanced than any other energy source ever produced or created because it is safer than oil, it has no pollution, no half life of any kind and is produced by the best and brightest of engineers.  

Cold fusion will also not have any pollution side effects such as smog created by coal burning.  Also cold fusion does not create oil spills.  It will also not burn off other harmful chemicals.  Cold fusion is neither natural nor not natural, so in a way, it's somewhere in between neutral and not neutral.  Cold fusion can be stored more easily than oil, gas or any known nuclear source.  It can be stored more easily than solar power.  

Unlike uranium rods, cold fusion does not use uranium rods, it uses cold temperatures and cold molecules and is way better for the economy, technology, science, engineering, research, education, communication and pretty much any technology you can name.  It can also be used for medical purposes.  There's no limit to what science and engineering can do when it comes to cold fusion, because it does not rely on the laws of physics like I pointed out earlier.  

In scientific studies, cold fusion has been able to power light bulbs.  This is the greatest invention since Nikola Tesla invented electricity.   This could be referred to as the people's technology, also known as the government's technology...and this could unite the country.

CF is the abbreviation for cold fusion.  Cold fusion, besides uniting the country will help us exploit every other country's electronic weakness and make us the only country with the most powerful technology.  If we want to we don't have to share it with others.  I recommend that we not share it with any countries in the Middle East.  I also recommend that we don't share it with China or any third world country.  We should make it our principle that countries that are at our level of advancement can agree to use this technology...as long as they don't also share it with third world countries.  This technology could also make us and maybe our allies the new world order if done responsibly.  Long live DARPA, long live NASA!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

NASA Accidentally Discovers Mega Structure In Outer Space!

One of the theories behind the mega structure is that it is naturally occurring.  The only problem with this theory is that not all things made look like the natural world.  One potential theory is that it is bent light from a star.  Another theory is that it's a comet.  And another theory is that it's a meteor.  The only problem with these theories is that Kepler would have immediately ruled these possibilities out.  

Another theory is that it's a dyson's sphere.  The theory mainly insists that an alien civilization harnesses power from their own sun.  This theory also claims that this structure could be made out of solar panels.  

This is what a solar panel would look like if it was possible to make it stationary in outer space.  Part of the theory is that the dyson's sphere is made of solar panels.  It could just as easily be made out of plastic, metal, or something else.  OR -- none of these theories could be correct.  It could just be an alien space ship.  No one really knows for sure.  So far it's all theory, guess work and isn't talked about much in the media.  When there's more facts around this event, then it will be covered more in the media.  

This is what an alien civilization might look like.  It could be thousands of years old and possibly thousands of years more advanced.  It could be billions and billions of years more advanced than humans.  It reminds me of the saying that Carl Sagan said, "There are billions and billions of stars."  So it is arrogant for us to believe that we are the only intelligent life in the solar system.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Donald Trump Speaks Openly & Honestly About The Press

Donald Trump on CBS, equally criticized the press pointing out the fact that they are equally biased.  He gave examples of bias from different media companies, including Fox News, MSNBC, and other news agencies.  He even included CNN and did not leave very many news corporations out.

Donald Trump also speaks openly and honestly about bringing jobs back to America.  The example he uses is manufacturing and a whole list of other jobs.  He talks about making America great again.  This is in fact a slogan on his baseball cap.  

As you can see in this picture, he is with a dog that is probably owned by him.  This kind of dog in the picture is a beagle, which is a very popular kind of dog.  Lots of presidents have owned dogs, so he is not the first person to be photographed with a dog.  Obviously in this picture this dog represents loyalty and it is a very good photograph of Donald Trump and a dog.  In fact if you take a picture of yourself with a dog it might very well increase your odds of getting elected.  

Donald Trump talks openly and honestly about securing the nation's borders.  He talks about Mexico paying for it.  He talks about building a giant wall that will keep the Mexicans out of the United States.  He talks about deporting illegal immigrants and differentiates a legal immigrant from an illegal immigrant.  

The Donald Trump campaign is well funded.  He talks about the importance of a strong army and talks about securing the nation's borders, bringing manufacturing back to the US, and talks about universal healthcare.  In one of his books he says that he believes in universal healthcare.  When the press asks him about universal healthcare, he says that he has evolved on the topic.  Trump believes that the private sector still has some role to play in healthcare.  This is an interesting thing to say, because some people that believe in universal healthcare that are conservative on the issue, believe in a limited private sector when it comes to universal healthcare.  An example of that would be certain countries.  It is also interesting to point out that sometimes we model ourselves after other countries.  This includes both conservatives and liberals, but is not well discussed in the media.  This includes all media.  This would include both conservative media and liberal media.  Both forms of media are equally to blame in inaccurate reporting in political discourse.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

German Company Commits Fraud Against America

Volkswagon CEO criminally confesses on American TV to fraud.  VW's diesel powered cars have software that allowed them to pass EPA clean air regulations.  Eleven million cars have this fraudulent software built into them which is a violation of all of America's clean air laws.

By Germany doing this they make a good argument for not allowing any German products in the United States.  This is like the American equivalent of us going to Germany and breaking their laws.  Germany has attempted to usurp American laws by sending a team of lawyers to the US.  The US has the ability to enforce the laws using the Better Business Bureau along with Law Enforcement without the use of lawyers.  That's how the US will fight back against fraud coming in to the country.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Debates Are Rigged!

Donald Trump is running for office this year on the GOP side, also known as the Republican Party.  He continues to claim that he can help to rebuild America.  He doesn't show any evidence or knowledge about how to rebuild our country.  The GOP debates are rigged because Fox News is giving more airtime to Donald Trump than any other candidate.  Fox News also continuously makes claim that they are pro-America which is not supported by evidence because Fox News is owned by Rupert Murdoch.  It is illegal to have any company owned by immigrants when it comes to the news.

This is a picture of the Republican candidates running for Presidential office in 2016.  Only two of them have college degrees that politicians don't usually have.  Trump has a business degree.  Ben Carson has a degree in neurology.  There is one woman candidate in the GOP.  Rick Perry is being investigated and charged with corruption.  Fox is under-reporting about Rick Perry's troubles.

The news agencies that are covering both the Democratic and Republican debates are going to Fox News, MSNBC, CNN and ABC.  

The vast majority of Republican and Democrats running are extremely old, to the point that they are probably extremely unhealthy.  I know that Hilary Clinton has had a concussion to her head.  Donald Trump also has health problems as well.  Judging by his rhetoric on TV, my best guess is that he suffers from some form of paranoia.  The way Donald Trump talks about himself, is a sign of narcissism, which is a recognized medical condition.  Bernie Sanders is doing a good job at keeping his medical health a secret.  I do know that Bernie Sanders has several children, grandchildren and if Bernie Sanders were elected, more than likely he would be one of the oldest presidents to have ever taken office.  Bernie Sander's biggest problem is that he needs to engage with young people that know that there are multiple ways of viewing the world.  He needs to stop talking about the nation's military in a way that is not negative towards our country's military system.  He should start saying things like the nation's armed services are here to protect us.  That's my advice for Bernie Sanders.  He also needs to stop referring to himself as a democratic-socialist because most people in the United States that are both educated and non-educated see the word: democratic-socialist in a negative light. Bernie Sanders needs to start referring to himself as an all-American, well-rounded educated socialist.  If he doesn't want to use that, decide if he's a democrat or a socialist because a democratic socialist is an oxymoron.  

Fox news and Facebook are covering the Republican debates.  The head of Fox news, Rupert Murdoch, is an immigrant to America, so if one immigrant or multiple immigrants own a TV network, such as Fox news, it's illegal for them to host the debates because there is a less-known law on the books, which says that foreign owned new agencies cannot cover political debates...it's a less known, settled law that can never be changed as a law.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Visual Video News Media VS Old Fashioned Print

There is a lot of competition on different news media websites involving CNN and BBC.  In my  factually based opinion the news should be visually presented and not with a lot of words.  This is because print represents the opposite of the views of visual learners. The wave of the future is to continuously be visual, so that people can actually see what's happening.

Visual video is often done on computers and TV and is very rarely done in print form.  The vast majority of countries do it in visual form such as on computers or TV and not print like the newspaper or magazines.  Print and advertisements are viewed by the general public as backward thinking and backward doing.  Visual learning on computers is a forward progression of the evolution of computers and TV of the media.  Unlike it's polar opposite such as newspapers, magazines and anything else that involves reading print news.  

It costs less to use visual clips on the internet like the news on the computer and TV.  An example of this is YouTube and CNN.  These formats in the long term when used properly without using a lot of words and visual stimuli only save money and resources.  Even economics proves that it costs more to print magazines and newspapers.  It costs less to put video clips on the CNN website.  It also costs less for TV because it doesn't require paper or ink or delivery charges.  Without ink and delivery charges you save money.  That is an example of economics.

Visual clips such as YouTube news and CNN news save lots of time, resources and editing.  It is easier to edit visual video clips than print forms of information.  There is no problem with the language barrier, because the vast majority of countries speak English.  English is associated with good economic policy.  The most spoken language visually on CNN news is English.

The visual people at CNN news have visual clips that they store in a basement and downloaded onto the CNN website.  This takes them approximately 25 minutes per clip.  This saves a lot of time and money.  This makes it easier for the employees and the technicians that work for the news agency to keep everything maintained properly.  It is easier to keep a computer maintained for visual clips than it is a printing press and it's also a lot safer for the workers which increases morale.  This also then increases productivity, which increases the amount of workers.  This increases the technology innovation and money...also known as profit.  This is basic economics 101.