Sunday, December 14, 2014

Russia Beats America In Space Tourism

Russia has heavily invested in their space program, thereby making it easier for their scientists, engineers and their version of NASA to do a better job with space travel.  The next space race is in space tourism.  This means racing to put more people into space for colonization,  hotels, and mining.  This will also create more jobs.

I would definitely go into space.  I would go into space so I could start my own thing that is part business and part government.  That means that it is sanctioned and partly run by the government.  We would do all the science and engineering for the government.  I'd like to be the CEO of the government.  I"d have a some condos and some houses in space, and none back on earth!

One of the advantages of living in space is if I ever had any kids, they would evolve faster than myself.  This is because they would be forced to adapt to the weightlessness of space and any other quick changes to their environment.  The same is true if you cloned yourself in outer space.  This picture here is what it might look like in the future when the prototypes take off into space carrying technology, food, fuel, supplies and people.

There are also going to be buildings in the future for people to live on Mars and other planets like the Moon and other planets to be discovered later.  The good thing about living in space is that space is endless, so it mixes the best of exploration and militarization of space, which will lead to the human race being able to learn more, and to expand it's life expectancy indefinitely,

Monday, December 8, 2014

AI --The Replacement For The Internet

AI stands for artificial intelligence.  The scientists and engineers that are designing this are more than likely people with no social skills because that's the only way of overcoming the obstacle of creating artificial intelligence.  Social skills lead to the lack of creativity in terms of building, engineering and development.  This is my highly, factually based opinion.

AI is done in several different ways with computers and with robots.  AI will be able to perceive different problems and different solutions and come up with the ones that will be most likely to work, similar to the human brain.  So in that way it will have to mimic the human brain, and then hopefully evolve beyond it.

It will help out humans when it comes to using robots and computers and other technologies that need its uses.  For example, dangerous mining areas where robots could go in and do dangerous things so humans don't have to, it could help out search and rescue situations and the computer system could replace the internet in that it could find more information more quickly and more accurately.  Thereby, eventually replacing the internet.

Also it will be able to help out law enforcement and the armed services without destroying the human race.  It will be able to balance out the difference between being social and antisocial and in that regard AI will be somewhat smarter than humans.  It will work along side of humans to make the human race easier.  

AI is going to take a long time before it can become a reality..because a lot of the people trying to make it happen are spending too much time arguing and not enough time inventing this technology.  We need them to focus and get back to what they do best...which is building, which is what scientists and engineers do best!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Google Cars Save Us From Head On Collisions

The states that have approved driverless cars are Nevada, California, Florida and Michigan.  Google has not quite put out the cars yet, but promise to have them available by 2020.  My opinion is that if Google does not put out the cars by 2020, Google will no longer be seen as a legitimate company.  This technology of the vehicle could help lots of people.  For example, there are people who have trouble driving and these kinds of cars would really help them a lot.  

Google has designed these cars with a special laser on the roof that creates a 3D map for the computer and this allows the navigational system to stay away from obstacles and people.  The problems remain that have to do with whether an object is a rock or a piece of paper, and another example is identifying a police officer from an ordinary pedestrian.  Evidently these cars are also not great in rain and snow.

Some of the other applications for this technology would be for driverless taxis and driverless buses.  I would like to see this become a reality because it would make everybody's life a lot easier.  

At this point in time, all of the Google cars are electric.  They don't have pedals and they don't have a steering wheel.  This would mean that there would be more room inside the vehicles for stuff like luggage, backpacks and suitcases...and people.

I would gladly go in one of these vehicles.  When they have them available in every single state, it will be more likely that myself and other people will be able to use them, but only if they are affordable and the correct price.  

In my opinion it would be easier if these vehicles where a combination of electric and hybrid vehicles, but still had the abilities I talked about in this article.  There would be less accidents because the driver could take over if needed.  This could possibly free up the police to deal with other problems than traffic accidents.  If perfected I will encourage people to buy these people friendly Google Cars!  Also if perfected, this will make Google look like a really good company.