Monday, March 31, 2014

Alternative to the Internet

Deep Web is similar to the internet but it doesn't involve a user-browser interface.  It is a replacement for the internet.  It can keep computers for businesses, governments and any electronic device safe from hackers.

Most people that log onto the internet only see the top 4% of the internet, the remaining 96% of the internet is called the Deep Web.  Here is where the government and other institutions keep their information.  It's like deep sea fishing but for more information.  Most of this information can not be seen on the regular internet but only can be seen on the Deep Web.  

This iceberg example is like two different parts of something.  The top of the iceberg is like the regular internet, because you can see it.  The bottom is the part that you cannot see, kinda like an iceberg is always more underneath than what is showing on top.

This picture represents the fact that you can use the regular internet OR you can get on the Deep Web, if you have the right access codes, or you know what you are doing.  Deep Web is also known as Deep Net.  If I was going to look on the Deep Web, I would look up documentaries on a host of different topics, like UFOs.  Deep Web is an alternative technology to the internet and is a possible replacement for the internet to make it safer.

The Deep Web is like a submarine that is under the water, it is very hard to see or detect.  The reason is that the Deep Web was created is so it would be hard to detect or see, kinda like a submarine.  The Deep Web has lots of information and can replace the internet, so terrorists and hackers don't mess with it.  The Deep Web in a lot of ways is the future of what some people call the Web or the internet, but is more of an alternative to the internet.  It is probably going to replace the internet because you have to have secure pass codes and doesn't use a browser, so in a lot of ways a logical argument can be used that it will surpass the internet and replace the internet.  This is an alternative technology, that I would definitely use if given the chance.