Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Dogs are a Human's Best Friend

One of the many reasons people have dogs is to keep themselves safe.  We have a symbiotic relationship with dogs.  We trust dogs more than we trust any other species of animals.  Dogs keep us safe from other animals.  Dogs also have been used to rescue humans out of earthquake rubble.  Dogs have also been used to find drugs at airports.  Dogs have also been used for search and rescue.  

Dogs have also been used to guard property, such as military installations, people's homes, and the general public.  Police officers also use guard dogs.  Dogs have also been used to find cancer within the human body.  There have been scientific studies that indicate that dogs can sense earthquakes before humans can.  Every great civilization has had dogs.

Both humans and dogs have a similar diet.  Dogs eat more meat than humans though.  Dogs are the meateaters unlike their human counterparts that are omnivores.  Dogs were domesticated at the same time man started using fire and started being more intelligent.  It wouldn't surprise me that the smarter than humans become, the more dog breeds will appear on the earth.  

Dogs have also been in space, just like their human counterparts.  Dogs were actually the first astronauts, even if they were called something different.  The United States were the first ones to put dogs into space.  It takes a lot of work to get a dog to survive in space.  Dogs have also gone along with humans in all forms of exploration, because humans tend to feel safer with their dog counterparts.  Studies have shown that people that own dogs tend to live longer.  People with disabilities also own dogs.  In France, you can go anywhere you want with dogs.  In France you can take your dog into grocery stores and restaurants.  

The more things we do as humans and the more places we go, and the more places we explore and conquer, the more we will take dogs along with us.  Dogs are seen also as companions.  Dogs are the original companions.  All western cultures embrace dogs, because dogs are useful.  In fact, I encourage all people to buy dogs!  Any culture that does not embrace dogs is usually seen as an outsider.  It wouldn't surprise me if certain people worship dogs.  If you do worship dogs I have this to say to you: at least you're worshiping something tangible.  Dogs are my #1 favorite species of animal.   

Monday, August 22, 2016

The U.S. Starts Making the Bionic Human

The bionic human also known as the super-soldier which is a combination of bioengineering, genetic manipulation and surgical enhancement.  

This super-soldier, also known as the human bionic person is being worked on by both the Russians and the United States.  This is a combination of genetic manipulation and adding robotic parts to the human body.  This makes bionic people a reality.  

This will make the people that have this happen to them completely immune to viruses, bacteria, disease.  It will also increase their ability to live longer.  This will not be based on what they were born into.  This is a combination of different sciences working together.  It's a combination of genetic manipulation, steroids and robot sciences, all merged into one to make a better human.  They experiment on both animals and people.

They can use this to improve human vision.  Humans will never be bothered by blindness or vision problems ever again.  You will eventually see all of this in the civilian world.  Right now, DARPA is making this a reality.  

You will also see your dogs turn into the same things as their human counterparts.  Humans will become super humans, and dogs will become super dogs.  They will be seen in the civilian world at the same time as super humans.  There are a lot of smart people working on this technology.

The super humans will be extremely intelligent, extremely strong, extremely logical and understand everything they already know now, plus more.  Unlike a computer, they will be able to integrate the best features of a robot, a computer, genetic manipulation, steroids and a mixture of these different sciences in a way that is completely safe.  It will help out every nationality and race equally.  You may have already seen signs of this, when you see people wearing prosthetics.  When they are done with perfecting this with people with disabilities and the wounded, then all people will have this done to them.  All people that do not have disabilities and all people regardless of nationality or race, will have this done to them and will improve the human race.  This is just another example of a medical procedure.  I know a lot about medical procedures because I've been in and out of hospitals my entire life.  There is a lot of progress to be made from this.  This will help you to become healthy, wealthy and wise.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

3D Printer Can Be Used to Build a Giant Wall on the Land or the Ocean in the United States

This metal shows a giant machine that holds plastic polymer inside of a huge 3D printer.  It is big enough to build a giant wall.  It can also be used to build 3D islands.

The 3D printer can create a giant wall that looks like a castle wall using 3D plastic.  It will not be made of old fashioned materials, rather it will use modern and futuristic materials.

The 3D wall will look a lot like a brick wall but have various different colors, shades, shapes and looks to it.  It will look very modern and futuristic and look very high tech.  It will look like it's been built over various different centuries and decades, even though it's built with modern and futuristic technology.  

Parts of the wall made with a 3D printer will also look like it's heavy into military security and other security apparatus, made by the 3D printer.  

The 3D printer will print out the wall that looks like many of these pictures and an example would be this picture and all of the other pictures.

This wall made by a 3D printer will be very shiny on either side of the wall and very dark on either side of the wall.  On either side you can have different themes and looks.  In this picture it looks very futuristic.  This 3D printed wall can be extremely big and long.  It will be kinda like the wall in China.  This wall will be made for security purposes.  No matter what people say or do, the wall is going to be built anyway.

This wall will be made to last forever and will only have one door on it.  One door will be on the land and will go from Mexico through Florida through the tip of New York and will end at the border nation of Canada.  No politician has ever come up with this idea!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

3D Printers Help to Improve a Variety of Businesses and Groups

3D printers can be used for a variety of different purposes.  They can be used to print medical equipment, print food, print tools and print out a variety of different technologies.  These can be used to help people, such as houses.

3D printers can help out and print out designs for cities.  It can be used for a variety of different things such as engineering.  

3D printers can be used to print metal as well.  The future of the metal industry is going to involve 3D printing.  The several industries it's going to cover is going to be engineering, medical science and the food industry.  It will put the regular food industry out of business.  Thereby making the food industry healthier, so we don't have to rely on bad food that infects people with bacteria and parasites.    The 3D printers will also create all new businesses.  For each business that 3D printers take out of business, it will also create new businesses.  This is the wave of the future!  Next time I do a blog on the 3D printers, I'm going to blog about how you can build a wall in the United States using 3D printing.  It would not surprise me if 3D printers eventually have competition.  Especially if someone comes out with a 4D printer!  

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

360 Degree Camera Is the Best Camera out on the Market

The 360 camera can be viewed on You Tube, Facebook, and VR, which stands for virtual reality, as you know.  The vast majority of countries that use this are Asian countries, and then followed by America.  These two countries use this technology equally.

In this picture, the 360 camera can go in a 360 angle, that's why it's called a 360 degree camera.  This can be used to make movies, such as at-home movies.  Hollywood also uses this 360 technology to make movies.  This is also good for educational purposes.  It is completely safe.

This 360 degree camera can spin around.  It can take pictures and film for a long periods of time and take video clips.  It's just a coincidence that it looks like a flying saucer.  360 degree cameras vary in price.  Most of them are either really expensive 360 degree cameras or really cheap.

This one is a 360 degree camera that can be hooked to any mobile electronic device to be used on the internet, the safe part of the internet.  You can even potentially use this for security at your own house.  You can get a small 360 degree camera that you could put it on a motorcycle, ATVs, and any other vehicles.

In this picture they have 360 degree cameras that you can mount on your head,  These 360 degree cameras are done in a way in this picture so that they are  not too big and not too small, so they are right in between.  The reason you want this on your head is so you can witness things that are going on around you, and it helps you observe things you might not see during the day or the night.  This can be used for fun, recreation, making your own personal movies, making documentaries, and experimenting around with 360 degree cameras.

This 360 degree camera is an example of one that is not too small and  not too big, but right in the middle.  It has a tripod and the camera is built on top of it.  You can travel with the 360 degree camera and you can use it in your house to talk to friends and use it for communication purposes.  All these purposes for the 360 degree camera are all equally important.

This 360 degree camera is another version of a 360 degree camera that you can put in your pocket,  your backpack, your purse.  These are examples of places you can keep your 360 degree camera because in this picture it is a little bit smaller and longer.  It's excellent for spying with a 360 degree camera and excellent for communicating with friends, business associates, these are some of the few ways you can use a 360 degree camera.  I would gladly own a 360 degree camera and I encourage all my friends, loved ones to buy a 360 degree camera.  All the 360 degree cameras are worth using, and I'm sure can be purchased on Amazon.  It is good to be well informed on all the applications of the 360 degree camera.  The 360 degree camera is extremely impressive!  It should not be shied away from.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

America Builds Hyperloops to Put Conventional Travel Out Of Business

A hyperloop can be done underground all over the United States and it can go through both solid places underground, and also go under the ocean.

This is a drawing of what a hyperloop might look like in the inside, when you're putting baggage in it.

This is a more realistic view of what a hyperloop will look like inside.  You see computers and other futuristic technology inside the hyperloop.  The hyperloop can be done all over the world.  

This is what it looks like when you build a hyperloop under the ocean, from various different countries, or different states.  

This hyperloop will also connect people, technology, and commerce, from New York, Fairbanks Alaska, Nome Alaska, to Moscow Russia and finally to London.  The biggest places of commerce and technology in the world.  That's why it's on this map.  These are the places that the hyperloop will be built.

This is what a hyperloop will look like when it's built throughout the United States, in this blue print. It will be built throughout the entire US, and the rest of the world will use hyperloops too.  Hyperloops can also be used on other planets, such as the moon, Mars, and other planets that the outer space industry will take advantage of as well.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Plans To Build A Real-Life MoonBase On The Moon

There are scientists and engineers and architects and physicists that are trying to figure out the best way to build a Moonbase.  One of the many reasons to build a Moonbase is that it will be a jumping off place to other planets.  It can also solve the problem of over population.  

In this picture, this is what a Moonbase would look like.  Assuming that it's on the surface, more than likely it would get built underneath the surface.  

Like this drawing or picture of a satellite dish, we would be able to use it as a kind of communication.  

This is what a Moonbase on the Moon that is built underground would look like.  

The entire inside of the Moon can be made into a Moonbase.  I would gladly live in the Moon.  It would not surprise me if they have already built a secret Moonbase on the Moon, or inside the Moon. I like the idea of a Moonbase.  It is more likely that they have a secret Moonbase than they have faked the Moon landing.  They have already heard music coming from the dark side of the Moon.  This could be just secret communication from the dark side of the Moon.